Title: Amebiano Hepatic
Abscess. Analysis
morphologic and ultrastructural. Report of a
Contact Person: Alberto
G Pizarro (rediegal@homonet.com.mx)
Materials &
Clinical history:
36 year-old man with clinical
report of diarrhea with snot and abdominal pain,
three days he later present enlarged of liver of
10 cm, with jaundice+, pain in right
hipochondrio, with pain to the tact, fever of
38.5 grades C., coluria+. Liver Rx identificated
three cystic of 5 cm to 10 cm.,with irregular
borders; two days he later died for liver failure
and peritonitis.
We identified three Amebic
abscess in the liver: The patient had one great
amebic abscess of 10 cm.,and two of 5 cm., Figure
1,figure 2; It contain yellow or gray, opaque
liquid material. The wall was shaggy and
fibrinous. Abscess has been complicated in
hepatocolic fistula and perforation, causing
peritonitis and death.
Fig.1 |
Fig.2 |
The wall of abscess contained abundant fibrin.
The trophozoites were abundant figure 3, figure 4
. The center was amorph,but it does not contain
neutrophilic leukocytes. The surrounding liver
was edematous.
Fig.3 |
Fig.4 |
Colonic amebic ulcers reavealed
trophozoites on the surface of the mucosa, in the
exudate, in the crater and submucosa. Figure 5
There is little inflammatory response of
neutrophils and eosinophils.
Fig.5 |
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