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Poster Session
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Medicine Poster SessionChair: Boguslaw Wilk (McMaster University, Canada)Co-Chair: Monica Williams-Murphy (University of South Alabama, USA) Co-Chair: Ana Rodriguez (Pharmacoepidemiology Development Center, Cuba) |
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Adverse Reactions to Radiologic Intravascular Iodized Contrasts. Prospective Study
E. Perez Gonzalez (Servicio de Radiodiagnóstico, Hospital Universitario Del Rio Hortega, Spain) JM. Garcia Cantera (Sº de Cirugia Maxilofacial. Hospital Universitario Del Rio Hortega, Spain) A Velasco Martin (Departamento de Biologia Celular y Farmacologia. Facultad de Medicina, Spain) J. Cortejoso Hernandez (Departamento de Biologia Celular y Farmacologia. Facultad de Medicina, Spain) |
Quality Control in Trace Elements Analysis
S.M. Al-Sulaiman (Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kuwait, Kuwait) |
Amebiano Hepatic Abscess. Analysis morphologic and ultrastructural. Report of a case.
A Pizarro (Department of Pathology, Issste Hospital Dr Aquiles Calles, Mexico) R Díaz (Department of Pathology, Issste Hospital Dr. Aquiles Calles, Mexico) |
The Effects of Breathe Right Nasal Strip On Ventilation During Exercise and Subsequent Exercise Induced Asthma
B A Wilson (Department of Human Biology & Nutritional Sciences, University of Guelph, Canada) |
Histological study of the healing process of the attachment site of rat masseter muscle following injury
A Abe (Department of Anatomy, Tokyo Dental College, Japan) Y. Ide (Oral Health Science Center, Department of Anatomy, Tokyo Dental College, Japan) |
Extracorporal membrane oxgenation(ECMO) in newborn infants:a systematic review
W. Andrews (Department of Pediatrics, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada) B. Simmons (Department of Pediatrics, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada) K. Aziz (Department of Pediatrics, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada) J. Friel (Department of Biochemistry, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada) |
Effect of different recovery interventions after maximal exercise on lactate removal and subsequent performance.
J. Monedero (Department of Physiology, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland) B. Donne (Department of Physiology, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Republic of Ireland) |
The Female Athlete Triad and Anorexia Nervosa: Animal Modeling
P. Aravich (Division of Anatomy, Eastern Virginia Medical School, USA) T. Rieg (Department of Psychology, Winona Statre University, Winona, USA) L. Doerries (Department of Psychology, Christopher Newport University, USA) |
Detection and Incidence of Cryptic Mosaicism in 41 Turner Syndrome Patients
R. Fernández (Department of Psychobiology, University of A Coruña, Spain) S. Costoya (Department of Psychobiology, University of A Coruña, Spain.) S. García (Department of Psychobiology, University of A Coruña, Spain.) E. Pásaro (Department of Psychobiology, University of A Coruña, Spain.) |
Determinants Of Exercise Capacity In Patients With Left Ventricular Dysfunction As Assessed By Six-Minute Walk Test
NP. Nikitin (Department of Internal Medicine, the 1st Tashkent State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan) |
Partial Acclimation to the Heat and Sweating Pattern in Prepubertal Boys
B. Wilk (Children's Exercise and Nutrition Centre, McMaster University, Canada) O. Bar-Or (Children's Exercise and Nutrition Centre, McMaster University, Canada) |
Glucose Intake Spares Endogenous Carbohydrate Utilization and Contributes to the Energy Demand of Exercise in Adolescent Boys
M.C. Riddell (Children's Exercise and Nutrition Centre, McMaster University, Canada) O. Bar-Or (Children's Exercise and Nutrition Centre, McMaster University, Canada) |
Technique Orceina acid acetica vs technique Antropometric in identification of sex in human remains.
A. Chavez (Departament of Histology University Autonoma of Sinaloa, School of Medicine Culiacan, Mexico) M. Callado (Departament of Histology University Autonoma of Sinaloa, School of Medicine Culiacan, Mexico) M. Salazar (Departament of Histology University Autonoma of Sinaloa, School of Medicine Culiacan, Mexico) G. Moreno (Departament of Anatomy University Autonoma of Sinaloa, School of Medicine Culiacan, Mexico) S. Nuñez (Departament of Histology University Autonoma of Sinaloa, School of Medicine Culiacan, Mexico) A. Monroy (Departament of Anatomy University Autonoma of Sinaloa, School of Medicine Culiacan, Mexico) |
Adenovirus-mediated gene expression in the septal cells of cirrhotic rat livers
T. Nakamura (Department of Molecular Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University, Japan) A. Akiyoshi (Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University, Japan) I.. Saito (Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, Institute for Medical Sciences, University of Tokyo, Japan) K. Sato (Department of Molecular Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University, Japan) |
Effect of Drink Palatability and Carbohydrate/NaCl Content on Voluntary Drinking Pattern in Boys Exercising in the Heat
E Brien (Children's Exercise and Nutrition Centre, McMaster Unitversity, Canada) B Wilk (Children's Exercise and Nutrition Centre, McMaster Unitversity, Canada) O Bar-Or (Children's Exercise and Nutrition Centre, McMaster Unitversity, Canada) |
Contribution of Adiposity to the Energy Cost of Walking in Children
B.V. Ayub (Children's Exercise and Nutrition Centre, McMaster University, Canada) O. Bar-Or (Children's Exercise and Nutrition Centre, McMaster University, Canada) |
Effect of Diet Integration with Phospholipids, Acetylcarnitine, L-glutamine and Antioxidants in Presenile and Senile Dementia: Results of a Pilot study.
A. Ramponi (Ospedale di Cassano D' Adda, Cassano D' Adda MI, Italy) M. Anelli (Searle Monsanto Italiana, Peschiera Borromeo MI, Italy) G. Maffi (Searle Monsanto Italiana, Peschiera Borromeo MI, Italy) |
Pregnancy Outcomes in Sickle Cell Disease (SCD)
M. Williams-Murphy (2nd Year Medical Student, College of Medicine, University of South Alabama, USA) C. Hoff (Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, University of South Alabama, USA) I. Thorneycroft (Department of Obstetrics & Gynecol, College of Medicine, University of South Alabama, USA) F. Little (Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, University of South Alabama, USA) |
Medical Informatics and Rational Drug Use in Cuba
A Rodriguez (Scientific Information Dept. Pharmacoepidemiology Development Center, Cuba) C Portuondo (Medical Informatics, Pharmacoepidemiology Development Center, Cuba) JL Perez Pena (Director,Pharmacoepidemiology Development Center, Cuba) A Galdo (Medical Informatics, Pharmacoepidemiology Development Center, Cuba) |
Acute Abdomen In Pregnancy: Uterine Rupture By Placenta Percreta, A Rare Cause
CV Gomis (Sociedad Española de Ginecologia, Madrid, Spain) |