Title: Amebiano Hepatic
Abscess . Analysis
morphologic and ultrastructural. Report of a
Pizarro, A: Department of
pathology. Nayarit autonomous University, México
Díaz, R: Department of
pathology. Nayarit autonomous University, México
Contact Person: Alberto
G Pizarro (rediegal@homonet.com.mx)
Clinical history: 36-year-old
man with clinical report of diarrhea with snot
and abdominal pain. Three days he later present
enlarged of liver of 10 cm, with jaundice+, pain
in right intense hipochondrio, with pain to the
tact, fever of 38.5 grades C., coluria+. Three
liver cyst of 5 cm. To 10 cm., with irregular
borders had been detected by ultrasonography. Two
days later he died for liver failure and
Autopsy: We identified amebiana
colitis, extensive liver necrosis with pus
similar to chocolate and we identified
trophozoites for light microscopy and Tem and Sem
ultrastructure . We are carried out an analysis
of the morphology of this parasite for
Poster Number PApizarro0188
Amebiasis, abscess, tem, ameba,
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