Technique Orceina acid acetica
vs technique Antropometric in
identification of sex in
human remains. PAchavez 0626
Authors: Chavez , A.: Departament of Histology University autonoma of Sinaloa,
School of medicine Culiacan Mexico: Callado, M.: Departament of Histology
University autonoma of Sinaloa, School of medicine Culiacan Mexico; Salazar,
M.: Departament of Histology University autonoma of Sinaloa, School of
medicine Culiacan Mexico; Moreno, G.: Departament of Anatomy University
autonoma of Sinaloa, School of medicine Culiacan Mexico; Nuñez,
S.: Departament of Histology University autonoma of Sinaloa, School of
medicine Culiacan Mexico; Monroy, A.: Departament of Anatomy University
autonoma of Sinaloa, School of medicine Culiacan Mexico.
Unfortunately in our country the violence from the executions exists,
the kidnappings in which the forensic medicine plays a fundamental paper
in the resolution of these cases, more however the application of these
studies this restricted alone to few regions of our country how they are
Monterrey, Guadalajara, Mexico City, because the procedures
are too much high and sophisticated that they in some regions like Sinaloa
don't exist, for which he you occurred to the task of carrying out simple
techniques of low cost and within reach of all the spheres of the society.
Considering that the dental pulp is a suitable place in order to find cells
morfológy see, because it is a natural capsule where they resist
the heat, the time, the environment, also that it is a rich place in cells;
the technique that is used is the technique of corpuscle of Barr that is
used in the clinical genetics. The investigation that we expounded is the
consolidación of a study of two years in which I am lo! oked for
the sensibility and specify of this technique in the identification of
human remains;I for this am carried out the excavation of common fosa for
extraction of craniums for the study to which carries out them
the methods more common antropometric, and our technique.I am carried out
a statistical consisted of method the validation of a test. And they
were obtained the following results: that the technique is specify and
sensitive to determine the sex in bony remains.
Keywords: Antropometric,sex,human remains, identification,
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