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Our work tries to present a simple technique low cost and within reach
of all the social classes, since the determination and identification of
human rest exist at the present time technical very sophisticated
in, which single are made in great cities, and not in small cities
like our City (Culiacán Sinaloa), Although our single technique
determines sex, this is an important step in the identification of a human
rest, this technique can be made by Doctors, odontólogos and including
technicians, since it is a technique easy to make, in addition of
which its cost is quite accessible approximately, 20 pesos mexican ( $
2.45 dollar) by evaluation.
The social contribution and technological this given in the utility
of this in the natural disasters, plane Crashes, in Criminalistica, where
the use of this technique can make but the identification simple
and cheap of sex in human rest.
To carry out the identification of a bony rest several determinations
are needed and within them this the age, sex, the constitution, conformation,
traumatismos, marks odontológica between otros;(1,2) all of them
mean a passage in the identification of a corpse one of the doctor-legal
problems but common when finding bones are to determine as it was the sex
of the rest, at the present time and per decades technical antropometricas
like Standard of gold in the determination of sex in bones and rest humanos;(3,4
) in this work this seting out the technique of a acetic acid Orceina in
dental pulp like a technique that like the physical anthropology is a simple
technique, of low cost and within reach of all the developed countries,
of those developing ones. In Literature several antropometricas techniques
like the one of the metacarpianos, the measurement of the hip, the face,
characteristic prominencias are handled morphologic muscular insertions,
technical radiologica characteristic morphologic of the skull
between otras;(3,4,5,6) each one of them has very specific criteria for
the determination of sex, that with the physical passage of time
and phenomena they can alter these characteristics, and is necessary to
mention that a technique in case single he is not able to be trustworthy
100% in the determination of sex; without forgetting the fenotípicas
characteristics each race, which have made a problem in the determination
of sex in bones. Taking into account that the dental pulp, is a rich zone
in cells, (macrofagos, nomadic, ameboideas cells, lymphocytes) in addition
to being a natural capsule where the morphology is conserved during
a6nos.(7,8) Considering the results obtained with the previous work, denominated
Determination of sex by identification of Corpuscle of Barr in dental pulp,
presented/displayed and awarded with the first place in free subjects in
Congress Cientific International the Federation of Students Latinoamerican
of Society Cientific of students of Medicine (FELSOCEM) made in Cuzco Republic
of Perú;(9) This investigation with the purpose is made of verifying
the sensitivity and mentioned specificity of technical before the
standard one of gold that is the Physical Anthropology.
They exist technical of molecular Biology in the identification of
sex in alive people and in corpses but they are not within reach
of all países.(10,11,12) Within the objectives that we considered
is to validate our technique, like a useful, simple technique and of low
cost in the identification of sex in bones our hypothesis is that
because the dental pulp is a natural capsule and a rich place in cells
we hoped to find the corpuscle of Barr, (12) since became in in the
previous work (Cuzco 1996), and thus before the used antropometricos
methods in the work one hopes to find the sensitivity and specificity
of the technique that we propose, sufficient so that it is a
useful technique in the determination of sex in human bony rest.
Type of cross-sectional, prospectivo, descriptive, comparative observacional
In order to carry out our project 5 skulls were used, 3 obtained of
common grave and 2 of the Amphitheatre of the Faculty; 2 feminine and 3
masculine ones, to which I am made 10 samples to them being these written
down in key, so that those of the technical histología did
not know sex true the samples, the selection of the skulls was made
with the characteristic to have teeth since it was tried to reject those
that did not have them, since all the skulls had teeth I do not exclude
no from the sample.
For the obtaining of the skulls of the common grave gloves were used,
cubrebocas, overall, two shovels and one sweeps to make the excavation,
later occurred to the task of washing and to clean of the rest of
soft weave, later I am made the following antropometricas measurements
to them:
Mainly the following ones:
element | Characteristicfeminine | masculine Characteristic |
Apofisis estiloides | Absent | present |
frontal Bone | Cleared | flattened |
supraorbital Hueso | no pronounced | pronounced |
* Radiologico method of J.L. Ceballo
I am made 4 measures to them which will be divided between 6,
giving an index which determines the agreement sex feminine
measured following wings masculine greater of 8.800 and minor to the
8125 and intervals is determined with the aid of another antropometrico
method. the measures are the following one:
the extraction of it samples and their process of tincion I am
carried out of in three stages.
1.-Se I use the technique of habitual endodontica extraction,
using motor of high speed, diamond strawberries and carbide, in addition
to you file to endodonticas series I number one; so that later the
sample in portaobjetos was placed.
2. - I am carried out the histologica technique of the following way:
Fixed with alcohol to 70%. I let myself dry to medio.ambiente.
Tiñio with Oreceina Acetic Acido during 5 minutes.
Him retirement the excess of Colorante with distilled Water.
I am placed the Cubreobjetos to him, for its better protection
of the sample.
3. - The samples in a microscope Nikon Labophot with closed circuit
were observed, to look for the corpuscle of Barr; later photographies were
taken them.
In order to make the method of acetic acid orceina, dental pieces 5
of each skull were used at random, this will be completely without
information as I am already mentioned previously the process will
be completely without information since the samples were labeled
and it processes the samples will not know the sex true of each sample,
later analyzed the results were taken into account the following
points: Accomplishment of the Statistical method of validation
of one proves, Antropometrico Method versus technique of Orceina
acetic Acido.
Positives true A False Positives B
False Negatives C False Positives D
Sensitivity = A/ A+C
Specificity D / B+D
Téchnique Radilogica J.L. Ceballo
Number Craneo | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Resultado |
1 | 20cm | 10cm | 7800* | ||
2 | 12.25cm | 22.6cm | 12.9 cm | 11.3 cm | 11533 ** |
3 | 24.6 cm | 12.7 cm | 12.2 cm | 7.2 cm | 9400 ** |
4 | 19 cm | 11.2 cm | 1.11 cm | 7.0 Cm | 8303 *** |
5 | 22 cm | 15.1 cm | 14 cm | 6.1 cm | 9537 ** |
element | Characteristic feminine | masculine Characteristic |
Apofisis estiloides | Absent 1 And 4 | present 2, 3, And 5 |
frontal Bone | Cleared 1 And 4 | flattened 2, 3, And 5 |
supraorbital Hueso | no pronounced 1 And 4 | pronounced 2, 3, And 5 |
Before mentioning the final result we will describe what one was
of general way in different laminillas that they reviewed, was a total
of 50 samples and was the following thing: An amount of crystals,
like result of the scraped one of dent(.Fig 3)
was cellular groups of two types, grouped in countless cells, or separated
dispersed this due to the moment of the scraped one dispersed or was in
The nuclei of the cells in search of the corpuscle of Barr were
reviewed and I am observed the Following thing:
20 Positive samples to Corpuscle of Barr. of Skulls 1 and 4 (fig 1)
30 Negative samples to Corpuscle of Barr of Skulls (Fig 2),
Positives true A (20) False Positives B(0)
False Negatives C (0) False Positives D(30)
Sensitivity = 20/ 20+0 Specificity 30 / 30+0
* The sex that this as it bases is the dice
by the technique antropometrica
Téchnique Orcein Ácid acética
Téchnique Antropometric |
Femenines 1 y 4
Masculines 2, 3, 5 |
Femenines 1 y 4
Masculines 2, 3, 5 |
1. - The technique of Orceina Acetic Acido is as good as antropologia physical,
had that
when comparing the results with her this gave with a 100% of sensitivity
and 100% of
2. - It is not necessary to forget that people with sexual syndromes exist
which can give
false positives and false to negativos(Klinenfelter, Turner).
3. - It has to remember that the antropometricos methods complement an
a others and
the technique of acetic acid Orceina in case single gives I diagnose.
4. - It is a Simple Technique of low cost and within reach of any layer of the society.
Fig 1
Corpuscule of Barr in Cell of Pulp Dent.
Fig 2
Ausent of Corpuscule of Barr in Cell of Pulp Dent.
An amount of crystals, like result of the scraped one of dent