Photodynamic therapy (PDT) requires tissue oxygenation during light irradiation. Tumor hypoxia, either pre-existing or induced by PDT during light irradiation , can severely hamper the effectiveness of a PDT treatment. Lowering light irradiation dose rate or fractionating a light dose may improve cell kills of PDT induced hypoxic cells, but will have no effects on pre-existing hypoxic cells. In the current study, we used hyper-oxygenation during PDT to overcome cell hypoxia in PDT.
Materials and Methods
C3H mice with transplanted mammalian carcinoma tumor on legs were injected with 12.5 mg/kg Photofrin irradiated 24 hours prior light treatment. To manipulate tumor oxygenation, the animals were subjected to 100% O2 in an enclosed chamber at either normobaric or 3 atmospheric pressure. The tumors were irradiated with 630 nm laser during the hyper-oxygenation inside the chamber. Various light delivery rate was tested as listed below. To further distinguish the mechanisms how hyper-oxygenation manipulates tumor oxygenation, clamps/rubber band were used to stop blood flow into the tumor during a PDT treatment. Tumor responses to various hyper-oxygenation schemes have been investigated in following experimental groups:
- Control: no treatment as contro
- PDT200: PDT (200J/cm2, 150 mW/cm2) as treatment control
- PDT200-HBO: PDT (200J/cm2, 150 mW/cm2) in hyperbaric chamber (3 atp, 100% O2) (HPDT200)
- PDT200-O2: PDT (200J/cm2, 150 mW/cm2) in normobaric chamber (1 atp, 100% O2)
- 30HNPDT200: PDT (200J/cm2, 150 mW/cm2) in normobaric chamber as above, but with the 150 mW/cm2 light irradiation chopped into 30 seconds on/off cycle.
- 30PDT200: PDT (200J/cm2, 150 mW/cm2) in room air with the 150 mW/cm2 light irradiation chopped into 30 seconds on/off cycle.
- HNPDT200(75): PDT (200J/cm2, 75 mW/cm2) in hyperbaric chamber
- RPDT200: PDT (200J/cm2, 150 mW/cm2) with tumor leg clamped
- RHPDT: PDT (200J/cm2, 150 mW/cm2) in hyperbaric chamber and tumor leg clamped
- RHNPDT: PDT (200J/cm2, 150 mW/cm2) in normobaric chamber and tumor leg clamped
- PDT (50J/cm2, 150 mW/cm2) in hyperbaric chamber
- PDT (50J/cm2, 150 mW/cm2) in normobaric chamber
- Clamp Only: No PDT treatment, leg tumor clamped
- HBOonly: No PDT treatment, HBO only.
We also measured tumor oxygenation. An oxygen microelectrode was inserted into tumor hypoxic region and tissue pO2 was continuously recorded in all phases of a PDT/Hyper-oxygenation treatment.
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Results and Discussion:
Fig. 1:"Tumor oxygenation during PDT/Hyper-oxygenation treatment"
Figure 1 shows a typical dynamic changes of tumor pO2 during a PDT/Hyper-oxygenation treatment. Note that the oxygen electrode is linearly calibrated between 0-50 mmHg. We have confirmed that tumor oxygenation can be directly manipulated by subjecting tumor bearing animals to various hyper-oxygenation conditions. When animals are treated in either normo- or hyperbaric oxygen chamber, their tumor oxygen level in previous hypoxic region can be improved significantly. PDT treatment can reduce tumor pO2 level, but not to diminish it.
fig. 2:Tumor responses
The results from leg tumors treated with 200J/cm2 (bolded groups above) are summarized in Figure 2. It clearly shows that hyper-oxygenation enhances tumor response to a PDT treatment. In specific:
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