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The Role of FDG-PET in Diagnosing Suspected Tumor Recurrence Based on Increased Levels of Plasma Markers

Maldonado, A. (Centro PET Complutense, Spain)
Ortega, F. (Centro PET Complutense, Spain)
Gorospe, E. (Centro PET Complutense, Spain)
Melgarejo, M. (Centro PET Complutense, Spain)
Ruiz, JA. (Centro PET Complutense, Spain)
Kosvintseva, O. (Centro PET Complutense, Spain)
Trampal, C. (Centro PET Complutense, Spain)

Contact Person: A. Maldonado Suárez (Centro.pet@telprof.omc.es.)


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the usefulness of Positron Emission Tomography with 18F-Fluordeoxyglucose (FDG-PET) to detect tumor recurrence on the basis of tumor marker increases, where negative results have been obtained with conventional methods (TC,RM,MN). MATERIAL AND METHODS: Whole-body FDG-PET was performed on 72 cancer patients: 23 with breast cancer, 18 colorectal cancer, 15 thyroid cancer, 6 lung cancer, 3 ovarian neoplasms and 7 other tumors. In all tumors, tumor recurrence was suspected on the basis of marker increases, and negative results had been obtained with conventional studies. RESULTS: FDG-PET detected lesions in 85% of the patients, which were confirmed in 33%. In 40% of all cases, therapeutic treatments were applied, and in 14% curative surgery was perfomed. CONCLUSION: Whole-body PET-FDG is a useful procedure in the diagnosis of recurring tumoral disease in patients with rising tumor marker levels, where negative results had been obtained with convencional methods.

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Poster Number PAmaldonado,0495
Keywords: Fluordeoxyglucose, PET, Tumor, Recurrence, Plasma markers

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Maldonado, A.; Ortega, F.; Gorospe, E.; Melgarejo, M.; Ruiz, JA.; Kosvintseva, O.; Trampal, C.; (1998). The Role of FDG-PET in Diagnosing Suspected Tumor Recurrence Based on IncreassedLlevels of Plasma Markers. Presented at INABIS '98 - 5th Internet World Congress on Biomedical Sciences at McMaster University, Canada, Dec 7-16th. Available at URL http://www.mcmaster.ca/inabis98/newtech/maldonado0495/index.html
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