![]() Immunology & Immunological Disorders Poster Session |
Discussion and Conclusion Despite widespread notions about insignificant roles of the inflammatory processes of the C system in mucosal secretions (5), the Cp system might still represent a major anti-microbial armoury on mucosal surfaces. A recent series of studies have demonstrated in-vitro C-mediated bacteriolytic activities against a serum-sensitive E. coli, S. aureus and S epidermidis in human breast-milk (HBM). Furthermore, non-immune mechanisms of C activation have been demonstrated in the mucosal secretions of the lacrimal gland, suggesting that the inhibition of classical pathways of C activation at these mucosal sites could still be circumvented. In the HBM, apart from the Cp and free fatty acids (FFA), most of the other anti-microbial components of HBM are bacteriostatic. Since bactericidal FFA are also present in the artificial formula feeds, and it does not seem to contribute to the protection of the formula-fed infants, the Cp system should therefore be regarded as a potentially source of significant contribution to the increased resistance of breast-fed infants against infection. Lysozyme was found to inhibit the classical pathway of serum complement activity in a dose-dependent fashion, particularly within the pathological ranges. The levels of both mucosal lysozyme and Cp components are known to increase during periods of infection. This would suggest that the mucosal Cp might be actively involved in bacteriolysis, opsonization and modulation of immune responses at mucosal surfaces, in the absence of full-blown inflammation, to protect the body against the constant threat of foregin invaders. The presence of anti-inflammatory secretory components would then serve to protect the tissues against secondary damage during acute overwhelming infections, where excessive inflammatory reactions of the Cp might be undesirable.
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Ogundele, M.O.; (1998). A Novel Anti-inflammatory Activity of Human Lysozyme: Modulation of Serum Complement Activation. Presented at INABIS '98 - 5th Internet World Congress on Biomedical Sciences at McMaster University, Canada, Dec 7-16th. Available at URL http://www.mcmaster.ca/inabis98/immunology/ogundele0178/index.html | |||||||||||
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