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Clinical course
Discussion & Conclusion
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Acute renal failure due to renal artery occlusion in a patient with polycythemia vera.
Contact Person: Yoshimasa Urasaki (urasakiy@fmsrsa.fukui-med.ac.jp)
Fifty-one years old, female, Japanese.
Chief Complaints: asymptomatic. She referred to us for the examination of the polycythemia.
She had no remarkable past history and family history.
In her physical examination she had hypertension (180/94 mmHg) and splenomagaly which was detectable 3cm below costal margin. In urinalysis slight proteinuria, but no hematuira was detected. As shown in table, she had a leukocytosis, erythrocytosis and thrombocytosis. LDH was higher than normal. Renal function was almost normal. Vitmin B12 was high (1000 pg/ml). In abdominal ultra sonic sound splenomegaly was detected. (Fig 1) Bone marrow aspiration was hypercelluar bone marrow and there was no proliferation of blasts. (Fig 2) No Philadelphia chromosome was detected. From these data we diagnosed that she had PV.
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Table: Laboratory data
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Fig. 1: Abdominal echo.
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Fig. 2: Bone marrow aspiration.
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