Title: Analysis of Perinatal II mortality
r correlation between weeks of amenorrhoea and
weight of newborn.
Pizarro , A: Department of
Pathology. Hospital General SSA
Díaz, R: Department of Pathology. Hospital
General SSA
Contact Person: Alberto
G Pizarro (rediegal@homonet.com.mx)
Type of Study: Observational,
descriptive, retrospective, type series of cases.
Methods: We analyzed questionnaires and
certificates of death of mortality perinatal 2 of
1990-97 of the Hospital General SSA, Tepic,
Nayarit, Mexico.
Our variables of study were:
A.- Mother: 1. Age 2. Number of Gestation 3.
civil State 4. Number of prenatal care
consultation 5. Number of weeks of amenorrhoea
B.- Fetus or newBorn : 1. Weight kilograms 2.
Termination of the childbirth 3. Number of days
of hospital stay 4. main and secondary Diagnosis.
C.- Type of Death: 1. Fetal or neonatal 2.
Foregone 3. professional Responsibility
The captured data were analyzed for descriptive
statisticses in variable scalars and r
correlation between weeks of amenorrhoea and
weight of the fetus or newborn.
Results: We analized 493 cases of 950 deaths in
eight years of study.
248 was from fetal mortality and 245 was
neonatales. There were not clinical and
statistical differences with six variables of
The r correlation was from 0.79 and the r2 was
Discussion: La correlación r between the
amenorrhoea y weight of newborn was 0.79.
Although II perinatal mortality was studied this
it is strong and positive.
Number SApizarro 0123
mortality, perinatal II,
correlation, series of cases
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