Title: Analysis of mortality Perinatal II
r correlation between weeks of amenorrhoea and
weight of newborn.
Pizarro , A: Department of
Pathology. Hospital General SSA
Díaz, R: Department of Pathology. Hospital
General SSA
Contact Person: Alberto
G Pizarro (rediegal@homonet.com.mx)
& Conclusion
We revised 493 cases of
mortality II perinatal in a General hospital.
The rate of II perinatal
mortality in our hospital is 18.0 it is high and
although the hospital has appropriate
technological advances the mortality II perinatal
continues being a serious problem of health.
We studied r correlation
between amenorrhoea and birthweight by eight
years. The r coefficient of 0.79 is strong,
positive and it indicate us a narrow relationship
between these two variables; In the graph the
lineal regression is strong and positive; the
behavior of the r correlation remains very
similar to the cases of alive patients. We Showed
the attention that in patients with congenital
anomalies the weight is low, means + - .
We didn't find clinical
difference neither statisticses between the fetal
deaths and neonatal deaths of the studied cases.
The postpartum lenght of stay varied in the
stillbirths it was 0 days and they in the
neonatal deaths were 4.5 days.
The 6 groups of more frequent
illnesses corresponded to the IRDS, congenital
anomalies, prematurez, pathology of cordon and
placenta, infections and birth trauma.Figure No
3, figure 4, figuere 5, figure 6
The prospective risk of
stillbirth was elevated in certain ethnic groups
and increased significantly with advanced
maternal age, multiple gestation, and lack of
prenatal care.
It associated with preterm
birth had more reproductive history variables
(maternal age, parity, marital status, prior
spontaneous abortion, prior induced abortion,
prior stillbirth or neonatal death, sex of
The relative importance of
these umbilical complications is pointed out and
discussed in regard to clinical and pathological
Umbilical cord stricture is an
uncommon but distinctive condition associated
with intrauterine fetal death.
Morphologically, most infants
are macerated and an extremely narrow segment of
umbilical cord is usually seen at the fetal end
and rarely at the placental end or in multiple
sites along the cord. The findings of this study
support the view that the condition can cause
fetal death and alerts both pathologists and
clinicians to the important features identifying
this cause of perinatal wastage.
The pathologic examination
showed umbilical cord torsion and an organized
thrombus at the site of the torsion. Perinatal
histopathologic examination is important in
We reported 493 cases of II
perinatal mortality. Our r correlation were 0.79
it is strong and positive and it is similar at
live newborn.
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