Title: Neurofibromatosis and
Neoplasias endocrines multiple
III type. Report of a case.
Contact Person: Alberto
G Pizarro (rediegal@homonet.com.mx)
Materials &
Case report:
A 38 year-old woman was
admitted to the urgency department of Cardiology
Hospital from Centro Médico Nacional IMSS
México DF.
She was well until 25 years
earlier, when multiple pedunculate skin tumors
and café au lait spots develop. Four years
before entry, one tumor localized on right thigh
became painful, a rapid increase in size was also
informed( 1 to 15 cm.) Biopsy reported was
Fig.1 |
Fig.2 |
The treatment was
hemipelvectomy. Evolution : no tumor activity.
Family history was notable for
the presence of multiple neurofibromatosis in one
parent, one brother and three sons, but without
history of pheochromocytoma or multiple endocrine
neoplams. There was no history of previous
hypertension, hypotension, seizures, dyspnea,
rheumatic heart disease, tuberculosis or use of
tabacco or alcohol.
Thereafter the patient felt
improved until two days defore admission, when
headaches,anxiety, nervousness, sudden
prechordial palpitations, back pain, dyspnea, and
chest disconfort developed.
Physical examination showed an
obese woman, whose blood pressure was 140 to 180
/ 100 to 120. ( normal 90/60) mm Hg. Her Pulse
160 beats/ min. Her height was 1.50 m and her
weight 40 kg. Weight loss 10 kg., the patient was
palid, with multiple neurofibromas. Heart with
tachycardia without murmur. Lungs with rale on
lower base. Hepatomegaly 7-5-4 cm. Hands with
achrocyanosis. She recieved treatment with
isorbide, diazepam, chlorotiazide, heparine. No
responded at treatment and the patient expired by
arrest cardiac.
The Laboratory data: Hb: 9.8
gr. LeuKocytes count : 8000/ml, platelets count
250 000 mm3. Glucose 210 mg/100 ml. No
catecholamines levels . Rx of chest was normal.
An electrocardiogram reveled an anormal rhythm a
rate of 160x min ( paroxymal tachycardia) and
left ventricle hypertrophy.
Clinical diagnosis:
Lung thromboembolism Vs
Miocardium acute infarct and neurofibromatosis.
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