Title: Neurofibromatosis and
Multiple endocrine neoplasm
type III. Report of a case.
Contact Person: Alberto
G Pizarro (rediegal@homonet.com.mx)
Pathological report:
At autopsy we identified
multiple neurofibromas (more 100) in skin of
head, chest, abdomen and extremities and spinal
cord with size of 1 to 3 cm. Figure 3 and figure
Fig.3 |
Fig.4 |
Micro: hyperplasia of schwann
cells. Figure 5, figure 6 ;
Fig.5 |
Fig.6 |
Stomach with
nodules submucoses of 1 cm. Micro: hiperplasia of
schwann cells figure 7; Heart weighted 320 gr
with left hiperthrophy and subendocardial
fibrosis. No thrombosis in coronaries and
pulmonary arteries. Micro: coagulative necrosis
of focal cells. Figure 8; Lungs with edema,
hemorrhagies and macrophages.
Fig.7 |
Fig.8 |
One right central adrenal
neoplam with size of 6x5x4 cm and weight 30 gr.,
vascularized hemorrhagies and necrotical Figure 9
and figure 10.
Fig.9 |
Fig.10 |
With capsule without metastasis
or invasion Figure 10.
The cells were polyhedral or
cuboidal with basophil and finelly granular or
vacuolated cytoplasm Figure 11, figure 12. There
is the presence of intranuclear and
intracytoplasmic "Inclusion" Figure 13.
There is hyperplasia, mitosis
and nuclear pleomorfism. Reported as
One tumor in paraaortic was
reporte as paraganglioma. Figure 14 and 15.
Fig.14 |
Fig.15 |
Two parathyroid glands with
hyperplasia of chief cells with 2 gr.
One tumor en ovary reporte as
benign thecofibroma.
Hepatomegaly with steatosis.
Final Diagnosis:
- Multiple endocrin neoplams
(MEA type III or IIb )
- Systemic
neurofibromatosis: skin, spinal cord,
- Neurofibrosarcoma of right
- Adrenal Pheochromocytoma.
- AorticParaganglioma .
- Pharathyroid hyperplasia
- Secundary Arterial
- elevated catecholamines.
- Left ventricular
- Focal necrosis cells.
- Cardiac arrest.
- Ovary thecofibroma .
- Steatosis of liver.
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