KT Researchers
McMaster’s critical mass of KT researchers are committed to supporting efforts to enhance the role of research evidence at all levels of the health system. Some focus on the general public, patients and clinicians, while others focus on health system managers, public policymakers and international agencies like the World Health Organization. All are committed to evidence-based healthcare and evidence-informed health systems. |
Melissa Brouwers
Area of interest: Developing decision-making products (e.g., practice guidelines, quality indicators) and disseminating them to cancer care specialists.
Audience: Clinicians, with a particular focus on cancer care specialists
Website: http://www.fhs.mcmaster.ca/ceb/faculty_member_brouwers.htm
Donna Ciliska
Area of interest: Promoting the use of research evidence by nurses.
Audience: Clinicians, with a particular focus on nurses.
Website: McMaster University School of Nursing >> Donna Ciliska
Deb Cook
Area of interest: Translating research into medical practice in intensive care units.
Audience: Clinicians, with a particular focus on Intensive Care Unit staff.
Website: McMaster University Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics >> Deborah Cook
Maureen Dobbins
Area of interest: Disseminating and providing access to a searchable database of high-quality systematic reviews.
Audience: Clinicians, with a particular focus on nurses and public health practitioners; Managers with a particular focus on public health managers.
Website: McMaster University School of Nursing >> Maureen Dobbins
Gord Guyatt
Area of interest: Promoting the use of research evidence by physicians.
Audience: Clinicians, with a particular focus on physicians.
Website: http://www.fhs.mcmaster.ca/ceb/faculty_member_guyatt.htm
Brian Haynes
Area of interest: Disseminating high-quality and high-relevance empirical studies and systematic reviews.
Audience: Patients; Clinicians, with a particular focus on physicians, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, dieticians, among others.
Website: http://www.fhs.mcmaster.ca/ceb/faculty_member_haynes.htm
Nancy Heddle
Area of interest: Promoting a bench-to-bedside and evidence-based approach to transfusion medicine practice.
Audience: Clinicians with a particular focus on transfusion medicine specialists.
Website: http://www.fhs.mcmaster.ca/mtrp/heddle.htm
Anne Holbrook
Area of interest: Using technology to facilitate the use of patient evidence in physician decision making.
Audience: Clinicians, with a particular focus on primary care physicians.
Website: http://www.compete-study.com/CI_holbrook.htm
John Lavis
Area of interest: Packaging and disseminating systematic reviews, designing and evaluating deliberative processes, and monitoring and evaluating large-scale knowledge-translation platforms.
Audience: Managers and policymakers.
Website: http://www.researchtopolicy.ca/whoweare/john_lavis.asp
Mary Law
Area of interest: Translating occupational research into practice for children with disabilities.
Audience: Patients, with a particular focus on children with disabilities and their families; Clinicians with a particular focus on physiotherapists and occupational therapists.
Website: http://www.srs-mcmaster.ca/nbspnbspFacultyStaffnbspnbspnbsp/ContactInformation/Faculty/LawMary/tabid/649/Default.aspx
Parminder Raina
Area of interest: Developing and disseminating high-quality reviews in the domains of aging, and injury prevention, among others.
Audience: Clinicians, with a particular focus on public health practitioners; Policymakers, with a particular focus on civil servants involved in coverage and reimbursement decisions.
Website: http://www.fhs.mcmaster.ca/ceb/faculty_member_raina.htm
Peter Rosenbaum
Area of interest: Translating disability research into practice for children with disabilities.
Audience: Patients, with a particular focus on children with disabilities and their families; Clinicians, with a particular focus on physicians who provide care to children with disabilities.
Website: http://www.canchild.ca/Default.aspx?tabid=509
Holger Schünemann
Area of interest: Developing consistent methods to grade the quality of research evidence for physicians.
Audience: Clinicians, with a particular focus on physicians.
Website: http://www.fhs.mcmaster.ca/ceb/faculty_member_schunemann.htm
Rolf Sebaldt
Area of Interest: Designing and implementing novel and scalable information technology-based solutions at the point of routine care.
Audience: Clinicians, with a focus on the primary care physician.
Website: http://www.fhs.mcmaster.ca/medicine/rheumatology/faculty_member_sebaldt.htm
Christine Sinding
Area of interest: Using theatre as a knowledge-translation intervention.
Audience: Patients, with a particular focus on women with breast cancer.
Website: http://www.socsci.mcmaster.ca/socwork/faculty/sinding.cfm
Helen Thomas
Area of interest: Determining the effectiveness of public health interventions with systematic reviews.
Audience: Clinicians, with a particular focus on public health practitioners; Managers with a particular focus on public health managers.
Website: http://www.fhs.mcmaster.ca/nursing/faculty_thomas-h.shtml