McMaster University enjoys an international reputation for its commitment to provide innovative and cutting-edge health education for the next generation of health consumers, practitioners, researchers and educators. The breadth of opportunity for health education at McMaster is wide; courses that tackle complex issues in health and health care are offered in all five faculties and the School of Business.
Collaborations for Health takes McMaster's commitment to health education to the next level. Through leveraging McMaster's strengths in health education across disciplines, Collaborations for Health will facilitate the development of interdisciplinary educational opportunities at the undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate level.
New, interdisciplinary programs designed with cross-listed courses bring together students from different disciplines, creating in the classroom the realities of problem-solving in the real world. Courses that incorporate multiple perspectives provide fertile opportunities for students to engage with the complexities of the issues within health care systems.
The Collaborations for Health commitment is to health literacy for all McMaster students.
News and Events
Health Policy PhD Program
Deadline: January 15, 2009
For more information, click here.
The Department of Health Aging and Society focuses on interdisciplinary teaching and research that is reflective of the Collaborations for Health initiative. For details click here.
Two new undergraduate courses, Controversies in Health and Health Research Selective, are closely aligned with the objectives of Collaborations for Health. For details, click on the course name