Welcome to Collaborations for Health
McMaster University is a research intensive university with a history and culture of collaboration that attracts investigators interested in working across disciplinary boundaries. It is also a leader in health research and education. Collaborations for Health will advance cutting-edge, interdisciplinary research that will help establish McMaster as the premier health university in Canada.
Health is multi-dimensional and demands to be viewed through multiple perspectives in order to address complex challenges. Interdisciplinary collaboration to develop health-related research and educational initiatives is ongoing at McMaster, and has contributed to the University’s international reputation for excellence and leadership in providing solutions to major health dilemmas.
The Collaborations for Health initiative expands McMaster’s capacity to address health-related challenges by providing an infrastructure that involves all faculties, mobilizes campus-wide strengths, streamlines administrative processes and capitalizes on external partnerships.
We invite you to explore this website to learn how you can become involved in Collaborations for Health.
Our Themes
Four themes have been developed that reflect existing major strengths at McMaster. They are not mutually exclusive, but will serve as organizing “umbrellas” with permeable boundaries to encourage and facilitate dialogue amongst researchers and educators. Click here or on the theme titles above to learn more about each theme.
Directory of Expertise
The Collaborations for Health Directory of Expertise is a user-friendly mechanism designed to assist people in finding interdisciplinary collaborators at McMaster. More information coming soon!
News and Events
Canadian Bioethics Society Conference
June 11-14, 2009
Hamilton Convention Centre
Hamilton, Ontario
For more information, click here.
Research Chair in Health Human Resources
Council of Ontario Universities announces McMaster Chair in Health Human Resources. For more information, click here.
Directory of Expertise
For more information, click here.
To access Directory, click here.
PhD in Health Policy
For more information, click here.
In Spring 2007, Collaborations for Heatlh issued a Call for Proposals for seed funding for reseach grants.
For a list of successful projects, click here.
Our Website
The Collaborations for Health website is a product of our Knowledge Translation Theme under the leadership of Dr. Anthony Levinson. Creative input into the website was provided by two recent graduates of the McMaster MultiMedia Program. Click here for more.