Case Presentation
& Conclusion
Board |
Management of a
Fracture in a Known Case of Gorham's Vanishing Bone Disease
Contact Person: Myles Clough (cloughs@wkpowerlink.com)
The following bibliography was obtained from Medline using
the MeSH term Essential Osteolysis and the following synonyms
Gorham's Disease
Disappearing Bone Disease
Gorham's Syndrome
Gorham-Stout Syndrome
Idiopathic Massive Osteolysis
Massive Gorham Osteolysis
Massive Osteolysis
Morbus Gorham-Stout Disease
Progressive Massive Osteolysis
Vanishing Bone Disease
Phantom Bone Disease
and by searching the Internet. The citations are in
chronological order.
Nephropathy in a case of
essential osteolysis. Electronic and optic microscopic studies. Chatelanat
F, et al. Virchows Arch Pathol Anat Physiol Klin Med. 1965 Jun
1;339(3):262-74. French. No abstract available
On spontaneous osteolysis. Baran
LA. Ortop Travmatol Protez. 1965 Jun;26(6):69-72. Russian. No abstract
Cutaneous hemangiomas and
disappearing bones. With a review of cutaneo-visceral hemangiomatosis. Frost
JF, et al. Arch Dermatol. 1965 Nov;92(5):501-8. No abstract available.
On osteolysis Holland
C, et al. Arch Orthop Unfallchir. 1966;60(4):317-39. German. No abstract
Contribution on so-called essential
osteolysis. On 1 case of symmetrical osteolysis of the femoral head and femoral neck Motta
C. Z Orthop Ihre Grenzgeb. 1966 Aug;101(4):609-19. German. No
abstract available.
A case of massive regional
osteolysis Kolpakova
LV, et al. Arkh Patol. 1967;29(5):75-7. Russian. No abstract available.
Progressive osteolysis in
hemangiomatous bone and soft tissue processes Schneider
V, et al. Fortschr Geb Rontgenstr Nuklearmed. 1967 Apr;106(4):584-9.
German. No abstract available.
Migratory osteolysis of the lower
extremities. Duncan
H, et al. Ann Intern Med. 1967 Jun;66(6):1165-73. No abstract available.
A case of apparently spontaneous
chylothorax in children associated with osseous lesions of the osteolytic type Vanetti
A, et al. Ann Chir Thorac Cardiovasc. 1968 Jan;7(1):99-104. French. No abstract
Massive osteolysis of the humerus
treated by resection and prosthetic replacement. Poirier
H. J Bone Joint Surg [Br]. 1968 Feb;50(1):158-60. No abstract available.
Treatment of massive progressive
osteolysis Selivanov
VP, et al. Khirurgiia (Mosk). 1968 Oct;44(10):62-7. Russian. No abstract available.
Essential osteolysis with
nephropathy. A review of the literature and case report of an unusual syndrome. Torg
JS, et al. J Bone Joint Surg [Am]. 1968 Dec;50(8):1629-38. No abstract available.
Study of an unusual case of
essential osteolysis. Behavior of dental tissues and of adjoining mandibular parts Bucher
RP. SSO Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnheilkd. 1969 Apr;79(4):501-24. French. No
abstract available.
A case of idiopathic acroosteolysis
E, et al. Radiologe. 1969 May;9(5):167-70. German. No abstract available.
Hereditary multicentric osteolysis
with recessive transmission: a new syndrome. Torg
JS, et al. J Pediatr. 1969 Aug;75(2):243-52. No abstract available.
Metabolic anomalies and clinical
course in osteolysis Schwarzweller
F. Z Orthop Ihre Grenzgeb. 1969 Sep;106(4):791-8. German. No abstract available.
Case of akroosteolysis Suzuki
S, et al. Rinsho Hoshasen. 1970 Aug;15(8):616-23. Japanese. No abstract available.
Massive osteolysis and tumoral
calcinosis. Frame
B, et al. Am J Med. 1971 Mar;50(3):408-12. No abstract available.
Acroosteolysis Musiari
C. Ann Med Nav (Roma). 1972 Apr-Jun;77(2):199-226. Italian. No abstract available.
Acro-osteolysis Wakili
D. Med Monatsschr. 1972 May;26(5):201-5. German. No abstract available.
Carpal and tarsal agenesis with
features of essential and hereditary osteolysis. McManus
LF, et al. J Bone Joint Surg [Am]. 1972 Jul;54(5):1099-104. No abstract available.
Familial osteolysis of the carpal
and tarsal bones. Gluck
J, et al. J Pediatr. 1972 Sep;81(3):506-10. No abstract available.
Massive osteolysis (phantom bone,
disappearing bone). Report of a case with mandibular involvement. Phillips
RM, et al. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1972 Dec;34(6):886-96. No abstract
Massive osteolysis of the ribs and
sternum. Clinical study Frank
M, et al. Cesk Pediatr. 1973 Jan;28(1):25-7. Czech. No abstract available.
Essential osteolysis with
nephropathy. Macpherson
RI, et al. J Can Assoc Radiol. 1973 Jun;24(2):98-103. No abstract available.
Massive osteolysis. Case report and
review of literature. Thompson
JS, et al. Clin Orthop. 1974;0(103):206-11. No abstract available.
Vanishing bone disease. Watson
RC, et al. Clin Bull. 1974;4(1):18-9. No abstract available.
Gorham-Stout syndrome caused by
hemangiolymphangioma Nozicka
Z, et al. Cesk Patol. 1974 Feb;10(1):56-62. Czech. No abstract available
Massive osteolysis. Report of a
case. Sage
MR, et al. J Bone Joint Surg [Br]. 1974 Feb;56(1):130-5. No abstract available.
Massive mandibular osteolysis. Black
MJ, et al. Arch Otolaryngol. 1974 Oct;100(4):314-6. No abstract available.
Essential osteolysis (trial
treatment by endoprosthesis) Taiar
V. Ortop Travmatol Protez. 1975 May;(5):6-11. Russian. No abstract available.
Carpal and tarsal osteolysis. A
case report and review of the literature. Beals
RK, et al. J Bone Joint Surg [Am]. 1975 Jul;57(5):681-6. No abstract available.
Massive osteolysis of the skull.
Case report. Iyer
V, et al. J Neurosurg. 1975 Jul;43(1):92-4. No abstract available.
Idiopathic multicentric osteolysis.
T, et al. Am J Roentgenol. 1976 Jan;126(1):23-31.
Osteolysis of the bones of tarsus,
metatarsus and articles of fingers during haemangioendothelioma. peripheral form similar
to Gorham-Stout syndrome Grepl
J, et al. Cesk Radiol. 1976 Mar;30(2):118-24. Czech. No abstract available.
The phantom mandible Cadenat
H, et al. Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac. 1976 Oct-Nov;77(7):877-89.
Pleural effusions (chylous or
nonchylous) with regional osteolysis: A case evocative of Gorham's disease Rousselin
L, et al. Poumon Coeur. 1977;33(3):203-7
Essential acro-osteolysis:
congenital, mainly osseous malformations, chronic nephropathy (a new osteolyso-renal
syndrome of hereditary nature Marie
J. Bull Mem Acad R Med Belg. 1977;132(9):517-27. French. No abstract available.
Disappearing bone disease. A
clinical and histological study. Heyden
G, et al. J Bone Joint Surg [Am]. 1977 Jan;59(1):57-61.
Angiomatosis of the metacarpal
skeleton. Tunon
JB, et al. Hand. 1977 Feb;9(1):88-91.
Massive osteolysis of the scapula
and ribs. A case report. J Bone Joint Surg [Am]. 1977 Apr;59(3):405-6. No
abstract available
Considerations in a long-term study
on progressive cranio-carpo-tarsal osteolysis Huke
B. Z Orthop. 1978;116(2):203-13.
Massive osteolysis: phantom bone
disease. Murphy
JB, et al. J Oral Surg. 1978 Apr;36(4):318-22. No abstract available.
Idiopathic multicentric osteolysis.
Report of an affected father and son. Whyte
MP, et al. Arthritis Rheum. 1978 Apr;21(3):367-76.
Pachydermoperiostosis with
acro-osteolysis. A report of five cases. Guyer
PB, et al. J Bone Joint Surg [Br]. 1978 May;60-B(2):219-23. No abstract available.
Spontaneous osteolysis of the
mandible Staren'kova
GV. Stomatologiia (Mosk). 1978 Jul-Aug;57(4):39-42. Russian. No abstract available.
Essential osteolysis of carpal and
tarsal bones. Amin
PH, et al. Br J Radiol. 1978 Jul;51(607):539-41. No abstract available.
Cryptogenetic osteolysis of the
mandible Cadenat
H, et al. J Radiol Electrol Med Nucl. 1978 Aug-Sep;53(8-9):509-12
Vanishing bone disease: a case
report. Catalan
A, et al. Hawaii Med J. 1978 Oct;37(10):302-4. No abstract available.
Case of spontaneous osteolysis Borejko
M, et al. Chir Narzadow Ruchu Ortop Pol. 1979;44(3):275-81. Polish. No abstract
A rare case of so-called idiopathic
osteolysis associated with a lymphangioma of the fibula Horst
M, et al. Z Orthop. 1979 Feb;117(1):88-95.
Massive osteolysis of skull bones. Reddy
DR, et al. J Indian Med Assoc. 1979 Apr 1;72(7):165-6. No abstract available.
Cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhoea
from massive osteolysis of the skull. Iyer
GV. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 1979 Aug;42(8):767-9.
Spontaneous osteolysis of the
carpus Segmuller
G. Handchirurgie. 1980;12(1-2):93-6.
A case of carpo-tarsal osteolysis Ludwig
U, et al. Handchirurgie. 1980;12(1-2):97-100.
Nephropathy of idiopathic
multicentric osteolysis. Bennett
WM, et al. Nephron. 1980;25(3):134-8.
University of Toronto Neurosurgical
Rounds no. 1. Massive osteolysis in association with multiple cerebrospinal fluid
fistulae. Hoffman
HJ, et al. Can J Neurol Sci. 1980 Feb;7(1):39-44
Massive osteolysis in an infant. Abrahams
J, et al. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1980 Nov;135(5):1084-6.
Radiodiagnosis of the Gorham-Stout
syndrome Zidkova
H, et al. Cas Lek Cesk. 1980 Dec 5;119(49):1344-7.
Radiology of massive osteolysis
syndrome. Kolar
J, et al. Radiol Diagn (Berl). 1981;22(3):369-79.
Radiotherapy of the Gorham - Stout
syndrome Bek
V, et al. Cesk Radiol. 1981 Sep;35(5):291-8.
Posttraumatic osteolysing
haemangiomatosis Leu
HJ, et al. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 1981 Oct 23;106(43):1424-8.
Gorham's disease Gonzalez
Ruperez J, et al. Actas Dermosifiliogr. 1982 Mar-Apr;73(3-4):95-8.
Essential osteolysis. Clinical
aspects and course of a rare condition Schmitt
O, et al. Z Orthop. 1982 Apr;120(2):160-4.
Essential osteolysis with carpal
and tarsal onset Fryns
JP. J Genet Hum. 1982 Dec;30 Suppl 5:423-8.
Massive osteolysis of the
maxillofacial skeleton: a clinical, radiographic, histologic, and ultrastructural study. Frederiksen
NL, et al. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1983 May;55(5):470-80
Acro-osteolysis Lameiras
FM. Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir. 1983 Jun;15(2):83-5.
Familial vanishing limbs: four
generations of idiopathic multicentric osteolysis. Hemingway
AP, et al. Clin Radiol. 1983 Sep;34(5):585-8.
Progressive teleangiomatous
osteolysis. Case report. Gherlinzoni
F, et al. Ital J Orthop Traumatol. 1983 Dec;9(4):515-9.
Massive osteolysis. Presentation of
a new case. Duran
Sacristan DH, et al. An R Acad Nac Med (Madr). 1984;101(2):205-18
Massive osteolysis of the skull:
long-term follow-up observations after cranioplasty. Report of two cases. Chai
WX, et al. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 1984;73(3-4):201-6.
Spontaneous idiopathic osteolysis
(Gorham syndrome). A case report. Tandler
P, et al. Z Orthop. 1984 Sep-Oct;122(5):635-8.
Complete unilateral osteolysis in
the mandibular area. A case study Leilich
G. Dtsch Z Mund Kiefer Gesichtschir. 1984 Sep-Oct;8(5):360-2.
The syndrome of idiopathic
Gorham-Stout osteolysis Grabowski
MT, et al. Chir Narzadow Ruchu Ortop Pol. 1985;50(3):210-3.
2 cases of a rare syndrome of
idiopathic osteolysis (Gorham-Stout syndrome). Grabowski
MT, et al. Chir Narzadow Ruchu Ortop Pol. 1985;50(4):333-8.
Idiopathic multicentric osteolysis
with acro-osteolysis. A case report. Tookman
AG, et al. J Bone Joint Surg [Br]. 1985 Jan;67(1):86-8.
The syndrome of idiopathic
osteolysis. Classification, review, and case report. Hardegger
F, et al. J Bone Joint Surg [Br]. 1985 Jan;67(1):88-93.
Chronic nephropathy in idiopathic
multicentric osteolysis. Hirooka
M, et al. Int J Pediatr Nephrol. 1985 Apr-Jun;6(2):145-50.
Radiologic diagnosis of massive
idiopathic osteolysis (Gorham-Stout syndrome) Gowin
W, et al. Rontgenpraxis. 1985 Apr;38(4):128-34.
Massive osteolysis in the hand and
response to radiotherapy. Hanly
JG, et al. J Rheumatol. 1985 Jun;12(3):580-2.
Gorham-Stout syndrome--progressive
osteolysis with viscerocranial involvement Meydam
K, et al. Strahlentherapie. 1985 Oct;161(10):625-7. German.
Follow-up in Gorham-Stout syndrome Jaspers
U, et al.Fortschr Kiefer Gesichtschir. 1986;31:144-9. German. No abstract available.
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Ann Med Interne (Paris) 1991;142(1):17-20 Essential
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Pediatr Radiol 1993;23(7):553-5 Carpal
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Disappearing bone disease of the
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Schnall SB, Vowels J, Schwinn CP, Wong D Orthop Rev 1993 May;22(5):617-20
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Pregnancy complicated by Gorham
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Porter KB, O'Brien WF, Towsley G, Cates JD, Watts DB Obstet Gynecol 1993 May;81(5 ( Pt
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of South Florida College of Medicine,
Gorham's massive osteolysis: the
role of radiation therapy and a review of the literature. Abstract
Dunbar SF, Rosenberg A, Mankin H, Rosenthal D, Suit HD Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1993
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Idiopathic multicentric
osteolysis: family report and review of the literature. Abstract
Rizzo R, Sorge G, Denaro V, Carpinato C, Tine A Clin Dysmorphol 1993 Jul;2(3):251-6
Paediatric Clinic, Catania University, Italy.
Seven-year follow-up of vanishing
bone disease in a 14-year-old girl. Abstract
Schiel H, Prein J Head Neck 1993 Jul-Aug;15(4):352-6
Case report 803: Gorham's disease
(Gorham-Stout syndrome) of scapula. (? first report of MRI features) Abstract
Damron TA, Brodke DS, Heiner JP, Swan JS, DeSouky S Skeletal Radiol 1993 Aug;22(6):464-7
Massive osteolysis. (Review of 11
cases) Abstract
Shives TC, Beabout JW, Unni KK Clin Orthop 1993 Sep;(294):267-76
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN 55905.
Inflammatory Gorham disease Abstract
Saraux A, Menard N, Ehrhart A, Baron D, Le Goff P Rev Rhum Ed Fr 1993 Oct;60(9):614-6
Massive osteolysis of the chest in
children: an unusual cause of respiratory distress. Abstract
Meller JL, Curet-Scott M, Dawson P, Besser AS, Shermeta DW J Pediatr Surg 1993
Gorham's disease or vanishing bone
disease: plain film, CT, and MRI findings of two cases. Abstract
Dominguez R, Washowich TL Pediatr Radiol 1994;24(5):316-8
Pleural effusion: a complication
of Gorham's disease. Tie ML, Poland GA, Rosenow EC 3rd Pediatr Radiol
Chylothorax in Gorham's syndrome.
A common complication of a rare disease. Abstract
Tie ML, Poland GA, Rosenow EC 3rd Chest 1994 Jan;105(1):208-13
Anesthesia for a patient with
Gorham's syndrome: "disappearing bone disease". Mangar D, Murtha PA,
Aquilina TC, Connell GR Anesthesiology 1994 Feb;80(2):466-8
Atraumatic osteolysis of the
distal clavicle. Results of open surgical excision. Abstract
Slawski DP, Cahill BR Am J Sports Med 1994 Mar-Apr;22(2):267-71
Idiopathic phalangeal osteolysis. Abstract
Todd G, Saxe N Arch Dermatol 1994 Jun;130(6):759-62
Gorham's disease. Report of 2
cases associated with bilateral pleural effusion. Abstract
Padua y Gabriel A, Peraza-Martinez L, Peralta-Sanchez J, Jaramillo Y, Arista-Nasr J Rev
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Intraosseous hemangiomatosis:
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Gorham's syndrome. Correlative
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Massive osteolysis of the pelvis,
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Idiopathic carpotarsal osteolysis
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Idiopathic osteolysis of the
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Gorhams disease: a literature
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Idiopathic multicentric osteolysis
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Massive osteolysis (Gorham-Stout
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Young patient with Gorham's
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Gorham's syndrome: a usually fatal
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Kasabach-Merritt syndrome of the
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Radiological case of the month.
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Angiogenesis and tumor metastasis.
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Orthopod enquiry re
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Combined effects of angiostatin
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Department of Radiation and Cellular Oncology, University of Chicago, Illinois 60637, USA.
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Biphosphonates as anticancer drugs
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Biotronics Research Corporation, #104-2419
Bellevue Ave., West Vancouver, BC, V7V 4T4 Canada
Matrix-500 Device for capacitively coupled electrical stimulation. Dr.Myron MacDonald
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