Attention is currently being examine in terms of three major functions: orienting to sensory stimuli, executive functions, and maintaining the alert state (Posner & Raichle, 1996). Although knowledge of the precise neural mechanisms responsible for these operations is still incomplete, many of the brain areas and networks involved have been identified. Moreover, there is evidence that damage to some of these networks produces similar symptoms regardless of whether the etiology is stroke, degenerative
disease, psychopathology or abnormality of development (Fernandez-Duque & Posner, in process; DiGirolamo & Posner, 1996). For this reason, a knowledge of the networks of attention may be of special use in examination of disorders with attentional symptoms whose cause is not well understood, such as ADHD. In this paper we will briefly examine the three networks in light of new findings that might relate to theories of ADHD.
Many attempts have been made to understand and characterize the deficits associate with ADHD. Recently, three different theoretical accounts have been proposed (Barkely, 1998; Sergeant et al., in press; Swanson et al., 1998a). We attempt to argue that it is possible to conceptualize all three under the umbrella of pathologies of attentional networks.
Networks of attention
Posner and Raichle (1996) summarized the three attentional networks approach, and based the localization of the different networks on the brain-imaging literature. Each attentional function is localized not in a single brain area, but as a network of interconnected brain areas.
Executive-control network.
This network has been related to the control of goal directed behavior, target detection, error detection, conflict resolution and inhibition of automatic responses. The executive control network seems to include the midline frontal areas including the anterior cingulate gyrus, SMA, and portions of the basal ganglia. Neuroimaging studies have shown activity in this area during tasks that require mental effort such as in dealing with conflict, handling novelty, developing anticipations and detecting errors (Posner & DiGirolamo, 1998). Recently it has been shown that tasks involving both cognitive and emotional controls produce activation in the cingulate (Bush et al., 1998; Posner & Rothbart, in press).
Accumulating evidence shows involvement of the basal ganglia, more specifically the caudate nucleus, in cognitive functioning (Beiser, et al., 1997). Many studies showed similar behavioral deficits in animals following experimental lesions of the anterior dorsolateral frontal cortex and the caudate. Moreover, the caudate and the prefrontal cortex showed similar activity when recorded with depth electrodes during tasks as lexical decision and semantic categorization, that were not due to motor or premotor programming (Abdullaev et al., in press). In addition to that, the basal ganglia have been considered to be particularly important in mediating the connection between executive attention and other attentional networks (Jackson, Marrocco & Posner, 1994; LaBerge, 1990).
Lateral areas of the frontal cortex have also often been identified with executive attention. However, the bulk of the literature suggests to us that these areas involve representation of specific kinds of spatial, verbal or form information rather than more general attentional operations.
Alerting network.
The alerting network is defined by a network of brain areas in the right frontal lobe (especially the superior region of Brodmann area 6), the right parietal lobe and the locus ceruleus (Posner & Petersen, 1990; Posner & Raichle, 1996). This network is involved in establishing a vigilant state and maintaining readiness to react. Recent alert monkey studies have shown clearly that the readiness induced by warning signals can be blocked by drugs that reduce norepineperine (Marrocco & Davidson, 1998). In addition patients with right parietal lesions show difficulty in sustaining attention and in the use of warning signals to improve behavior (Robertson et al., 1995).
Orienting network.
A network for covert orienting to sensory, particularly visual signals, has been discussed in some detail previously (Posner & Dehaene, 1994). (Neuroimaging evidence has shown that covert shifts of visual attention most strongly activates the parietal lobe Moreover, other areas, related also to the oculo-motor system, are also activated (Corbetta, 1998). There is strong evidence that attending to a spatial location increases blood flow and electrical activity in extrastriate visual regions particularly the fusiform gyrus (Magnun, et al., in press).
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For many years, psychiatrists and psychologists have been trying to define and understand the deficits that underlie ADHD. Evidence is consistent with difficulties in two of the attentional networks: executive functions / effortful control, and vigilance and alerting regulation. We believe that a better understanding of the functions and neuroanatomical bases of attentional networks in normal development, will be helpful in understanding ADHD.
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