Pharmacology & Toxicology Poster Session
Materials & Methods
Discussion & Conclusion
Discussion Board
Towards Stronger Microcapsules for Non-Autologous Somatic Gene Therapy
Contact Person: Jeremy M. Van Raamsdonk (vanraaj@mcmaster.ca)
Chang, P.L., Van Raamsdonk, J.M., Hortelano, G., Barsoum, S.C., MacDonald, N.C., and T.L. Stockley. The In Vivo Delivery of Heterologous Proteins by Microencapsulated Recombinant Cells. TIBTECH(Jan 1998). Review
Peirone, M.A., Delaney, K., Kwiecin, J., Fletch, A. and P.L. Chang(1998). Delivery of Recombinant Gene Product to Canines with Nonautologous Microencapsulated Cells. Human Gene Therapy 9, 195-206.
Stockley, T.L. and P.L. Chang(1997). Nonautologous Somatic Gene Therapy: A Novel Approach to Drug Delivery. DN & P 10(6), 331-340. Review.
Hortelano, G., Al-Hendy, A., Ofosu, F.A. and P.L. Chang(1996). Delivery of Human Factor IX in Mice by Encapsulated Recombinant Myoblasts: a Novel Approach Towards Allogeneic Gene Therapy of Hemophilia B. Blood 87, 5095-5103.
Al-Hendy, A., Hortenlano, G., Tannenbaum, G.S., and P.L. Chang(1995). Correction of the Growth Defect in Dwarf Mice with Nonautologous Microencapsulated Myoblasts - An Alternative Approach to Somatic Gene Therapy. Human Gene Therapy 6, 165-175
This research was supported by the Natural Science and Research Council of Canada and the Medical Research Council of Canada.
A special thanks to COLIN ROSS for providing some of the diagrams.
I'd also like to thank the people in my laboratory for helping me along the way including TRACY STOCKLEY, STEPHANIE HYMUS, KELLY ROBINSON, NICOLE MACDONALD, SUZI BARSOUM, GONZALO HORTELANO, NONG XU and my supervisor PATRICIA CHANG.
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