


& Methods


& Conclusion



In the following table analysis results about bean germination are presented, by sampling preparations by dilution, lactose grinding and controls with lactose and distilled water.

SOLUTION Beans Phase V Beans below Phase V % beans in Phase V Chi sq. Results
Pure water 13 57 18.6 Control
Dil D24 27 43 38.6 S
Dil D25 20 50 28.6 NS
Dil D26 20 50 28.6 NS
Grind D24 25 45 35.7 S
Grind D25 22 48 31.4 NS
Grind D26 26 44 37.1 S
Cont Grin D24 13 57 18.6 NS
Cont Grin D25 17 53 24.3 NS
Cont Grin D26 15 55 21.4 NS


In the case of plant development, results are shown comparing solutions and control with purified water.

SOLUTION Mean mm SD n Student t test
Purified water 137.46 19...7 13 control
Dil D24 145.37 37.4 27 NS
Dil D25 168.00 37.9 20 S
Dil D26 172.15 26.5 20 S
Grin D24 174.72 37.1 25 S
Grin D25 153.32 43.8 22 NS
Grin D26 147.35 37.4 26 NS
Cont Grin D24 139.50 29.2 13 NS
Cont Grin D25 150.47 43.4 17 NS
Cont Grin D26 186.87 35.1 15 S


From these results we can observe the silver nitrate solutions obtained by dilution have more influence in plants’ development, achieving two dilutions significative larger activity versus purified water. Meanwhile the silver nitrate obtained by grinding with lactose alone, sample D24 is significantly major. It’s important to point out the activity of control grind D26 versus purified water, which gives an idea of biological activity of lactose.

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