Occupational Health - Public Health Poster Session



Materials & Methods


Discussion & Conclusion



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Sociodemographic features associated with treatment compliance in hypertension

Contact Person: Antonio J. Garcia Ruiz (a_g_r@uma.es)


The aim is to assess the differences in the compliance rate with antihypertensive treatment and the sociodemographic features related with it (figure 1).

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Materials and Methods

Design: Retrospective observational study.

Subjects: Patients diagnosed and treated of hypertension by general practitioner in our province. We selected a random sample with 1197 patients from different health centers.

Variables: Age Gender Labour situation Educational level Marital status Morisnky-Green test (patient knowledge about hypertension and patient compliance)

Data collection: Personal interview with each patient.

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- 715 patients (60%) showed a good compliance - 365 subjects (30%) got medium compliance rate and, - 117 patients (10%) were classified as “bad compliers”

The differences with the different intergroups measured by the Morinsky-Green test are significative statistically with the: - age (p=0.002) - gender (p=0.009)(figure 2) - Marital status (p=0.000) - Labour situation (p=0.012)(figure 3)

They are not different for educational level (p=0.080)

Fig 2

Fig 3

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Discussion and Conclusion

- Men and active people showed better compliance rates.

- There were not differences between educational level.

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De la Figuera M, Fernandez ML, Cordoba R. Hipertensión arterial. En: Martín Zurro A, Caro Perez JF, eds. Atención Primaria. Conceptos, organización y práctica clínica. (3ª ed) Barcelona, 1994.

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Garcia Ruiz, AJ; Martos Crespo, F; Montesinos Galvez, AC; Sanchez de la Cuesta, F; (1998). Sociodemographic features associated with treatment compliance in hypertension. Presented at INABIS '98 - 5th Internet World Congress on Biomedical Sciences at McMaster University, Canada, Dec 7-16th. Available at URL http://www.mcmaster.ca/inabis98/occupational/garcia_ruiz0833/index.html
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