Invited Symposium: Molecular Physiology of Sodium-Calcium Exchange
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Discussion Board
Is Sodium-Calcium Exchange Regulated?
Contact Person: John P Reeves (reeves@umdnj.edu)
Since the Na+/Ca2+ exchange system plays a major role in regulating cardiac contractility one
would imagine that the activity of this transport system would itself be tightly regulated. This is certainly
true for other mechanisms involved in Ca2+ homeostasis in cardiac cells: the L-type Ca2+ channel, the
SERCA Ca2+ pump and the Ca2+ release channel are each regulated by phosphorylation-dependent
processes, and perhaps by other mechanisms as well. Early 45Ca2+ flux studies with squid giant axons
pointed to two factors which activated exchange activity: cytosolic Ca2+ and ATP [1-3] The advent of
the giant patch technique in 1989 [4,5] confirmed this dual mode of regulation in cardiac myocytes, but
introduced some complications.
One complication was that ATP was shown to activate exchange activity by counteracting a
specific type of inactivation, called Na+-dependent inactivation [6,7]. This complex process involves
the entry of the exchanger into an inactive state when it binds Na+ from the cytosolic membrane surface.
It was observed experimentally as a time-dependent decline in the amplitude of the outward exchange
current from a peak value to a lower steady-state value following the addition of Na+ to the cytosolic
surface of the patch. In the presence of cytosolic ATP, the decline in current amplitude was greatly
reduced. Elegant noise-analysis studies by Hilgemann and his colleagues [8] produced strong evidence
for the flipping of the exchanger into and out of the inactivated state. The effects of ATP in the giant
patches were subsequently shown to be entirely due to the synthesis of phosphatidyl-4,5-inositolbisphosphate (PIP2) in the membrane patch [9]. No evidence was found in the patch studies
for phosphorylation of the exchanger by a protein kinase.
The second complication involved the effects of cytosolic Ca2+. Ca2+ was itself shown to have
a dual effect on exchange activity [9]. First, Ca2+ binds directly to high affinity regulatory sites in the
central, hydrophilic domain of the cardiac exchanger. The binding of Ca2+ to these sites is thought to be
essential for all modes of exchanger operation, although there is a relaxation of this requirement under
certain experimental conditions (e.g. alkaline pH). The second effect of Ca2+ is to counteract the type
of inactivation discussed above, Na+-dependent inactivation. The direct activation of exchange activity
by Ca2+ occurs over a concentration range of 0.3-0.6 µM in patches prepared from cardiac myocytes
or from frog oocytes expressing the wild-type cardiac exchanger [10,11].
For the cardiac exchanger, these modes of regulation have been worked out primarily using the
giant patch technique and so the question naturally arises as to whether these processes actually take
place in intact cells. The regulatory activation of exchange activity by cytosolic Ca2+ has been clearly
documented using exchange current measurements in cardiac myocytes.. The results, however,
suggested that the affinity of the exchanger for regulatory Ca2+ in the intact cells was much higher than in
the giant patch experiments: Two separate studies reported half-activation of outward exchange
currents at Ca2+ concentrations of 20-50 nM [12,13]. Na+-dependent inactivation has also been
demonstrated in intact myocytes [14], but it is uncertain whether this process could be important under
physiological conditions where cytosolic Na+ concentrations are low and ATP concentrations are high.
Work in our laboratory has been directed toward investigating the modes of exchanger
regulation in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells that have been transfected to express the bovine
cardiac exchanger. The results summarized below lead us to question whether either of the mechanisms
described above is a physiologically relevant regulatory mechanism.
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Ca2+-Dependent Regulation
Na+/Ca2+ exchange activity is most often measured in the "reverse mode", i.e. as Ca2+ influx.
The two methodological approaches to measuring exchange activity in transfected CHO cells involve
assaying 45Ca2+ uptake or measuring changes in the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration in cells loaded with
the Ca2+ indicating dye, fura-2. Either approach entails interpretational problems because once Ca2+
enters the cell, it can be accumulated by intracellular compartments, most notably the mitochondria. To
minimize this difficulty, we used Ba2+ as a substitute for Ca2+ since Ba2+ did not appear to be
sequestered by either the endoplasmic reticulum or the mitochondria [15]. Using various preincubation
protocols to modulate the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration, the initial rate of Ba2+ influx via the exchanger
in transfected CHO cells was found to increase with increasing cytosolic [Ca2+] [16]. The half-maximal
[Ca2+] was determined to be 44 nM, a value similar to that observed with intact cardiac myocytes (see
above) but an order of magnitude lower than found with excised giant patches. This dependence on
[Ca2+] was not observed in cells expressing a mutant exchanger which was missing much of its
hydrophilic, regulatory domain and was therefore insensitive to regulation by Ca2+.
Activation of Na+/Ca2+ exchange activity by similarly low values of cytosolic [Ca2+] was also
observed in studies of Ca2+ efflux in these cells (manuscript submitted). We used the Ca2+ ionophore
ionomycin to release Ca2+ from internal stores in the presence or absence of extracellular Na+. In fura-2
loaded cells, the amplitude of the ionomycin-induced [Ca2+] transient was reduced in the presence of
extracellular Na+, reflecting the acceleration of Ca2+ efflux by Na+/Ca2+ exchange. These effects of
Na+ were not observed in parental cells which lacked Na+/Ca2+ exchange activity. The effects of Na+
on Ca2+ efflux were observed at cytosolic [Ca2+] values of 75 nM or less, confirming that the
exchanger was active at these low values. The results were successfully simulated by a kinetic model
which depicted the exchanger as a high Vmax, low Km (5 µM) transporter, with half-maximal
regulatory activation by cytosolic Ca2+ at a concentration of 47 nM.
Thus, whether operating in a Ca2+ influx or Ca2+ efflux mode, the exchanger would appear to
be nearly fully activated at "resting" cytosolic [Ca2+] values of 100 nM. This, of course, makes the
physiological function of regulatory Ca2+ activation difficult to understand, since the exchanger would be
"turned on" at all cytosolic [Ca2+] values likely to be experienced by the cell.
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PIP2-Dependent Regulation
Hilgemann and Ball's study [9] of the effects of PIP2 on Na+/Ca2+ exchange and K-ATP
channel activity ushered in a new appreciation of the modulatory effects of phosphoinositides on
membrane transporters. It was suggested that a potential binding site for PIP2 might be the XIP region,
a stretch of 20 amino acids containing 8 positively charged residues located immediately after the
exchanger's 5th transmembrane segment. A peptide corresponding to the sequence of this region was
found to inhibit Na+/Ca2+ exchange activity, hence the name XIP or eXchange Inhibitory Peptide [17].
This observation led to the concept that the XIP segment might have an autoregulatory function and
inactivate the exchanger through an intramolecular interaction with an as yet unidentified docking site.
In giant patch studies, certain mutations within this region were found to alter the time course and extent
of Na+-dependent inactivation, as well as the sensitivity to activation by regulatory Ca2+. Interaction of
PIP2 with the XIP region would be expected to disrupt an autoinhibitory configuration and provide an
easily understood mechanism for activation of exchange activity. Two questions arise in consideration of
this speculative scenario: (1) Do cellular PIP2 levels vary sufficiently to alter exchange activity under
physiological conditions? (2) Is the XIP region involved in physiological regulation of exchange activity?
With respect to the first question, cellular PIP2 levels are regulated by an exceedingly complex
interplay of pathways for the degradation and resynthesis of this important phosphoinositide [18].
When CHO cells are plated on a plastic surface coated with either fibronectin or polylysine, the cells on
fibronectin flatten out and spread over the substratum within a few hours while the cells on polylysine
remain round. These differing morphologies are associated with differences in the cellular PIP2 content:
The cells on fibronectin contain nearly twice as much PIP2 as those on polylysine (unpublished
observations). Similar effects of the extracellular matrix on PIP2 levels have been reported for other
cells [19,20]. Despite these differences, the rate of Na+/Ca2+ exchange activity, measured as 45Ca2+
uptake, was identical under the two conditions. Our inability to detect changes in exchange activity
upon a 50% reduction in PIP2 levels suggests that, at least in CHO cells, the exchanger is not highly
sensitive to variations in the amount of this phosphoinositide. Of course, it is possible that we would
begin to see inhibition of exchange activity if we were able to reduce PIP2 levels by more than 50%.
Even so, the physiological significance of such an effect would be questionable: PIP2 levels are highly
protected in cells and transient reduction of PIP2, e.g. through G-protein mediated phospholipase C
activation, leads to a rapid resynthesis of PIP2. Thus, reductions in total PIP2 of more than 50% would
rarely be observed under physiological conditions.
We approached the second question by expressing a mutant exchanger in which all the
positively charged residues (R and K) in the exchanger's XIP region (219-RRLLFYKYVYKRYRAGKQR) were changed to alanines. The ability of the XIP peptide to act as
an exchange inhibitor was shown to be critically dependent upon the presence of the positively charged
residues [21], and a mutation in one of these residues (K229Q) was shown to eliminate Na+-dependent
inactivation [22]. These changes might therefore be expected to eliminate any interaction between the
XIP region and either PIP2 or an intramolecular docking site. The behavior of CHO cells expressing
this mutant was remarkably similar to that of cells expressing the wild-type exchanger. In particular, the
initial rate of Ba2+ influx was found to increase with cytosolic [Ca2+] over the same concentration range
as for the wild-type exchanger. Other properties of exchange activity in these cells are currently being
investigated, and it is possible that subsequent studies will reveal more extensive alterations in exchanger
function in this mutant. Nevertheless, these preliminary results suggest that modulatory effects on
exchange activity involving the XIP region are either very subtle, or are not manifest in the intracellular
environment provided by CHO cells.
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Questions and Speculative Answers
Is Na+/Ca2+ exchange regulated? It is hard to imagine that it would not be, considering its
general importance in Ca2+ homeostasis in many cells and its specific importance in cardiac physiology.
However, the results discussed above raise serious questions about our understanding of this issue.
Our results, and the electrophysiologic data obtained with intact cardiac myocytes, suggest that the
exchanger is substantially activated at "resting" levels of cytosolic [Ca2+], generally considered to be
about 100 nM. Thus, there would appear to be very little room for regulatory modulation of exchange
activity over the range of cytosolic [Ca2+] values where the exchanger is most active, i.e. following Ca2+
release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, when cytosolic [Ca2+] increases into the µM range. Perhaps
regulatory modulation of exchange activity is physiologically more efficient during diastole than during
systole. The brief duration of the [Ca2+] transient following Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic
reticulum may not provide sufficient time for efficient regulatory activation of the exchanger, which
occurs with a time constant of 0.2 - 1 s [10,23]. Changes in the diastolic [Ca2+] might therefore preset
the exchanger at an appropriate degree of activation to handle the higher levels of cytosolic [Ca2+]
attained during the subsequent systolic interval.
What accounts for the difference in the exchanger's sensitivity to [Ca2+] between intact cells and
excised patches? In intact cells, the local concentration of Ca2+ beneath the plasma membrane appears
to be much greater than the bulk cytosol, as recently disclosed with plasma membrane targeted
aequorins [16,24,25]. The disparity between submembrane and bulk Ca2+ concentrations might be
substantially smaller under the experimental conditions of the excised patch studies, with the result that
higher Ca2+ concentrations would appear to be required to activate exchange activity.
Do PIP2 and Na+-dependent inactivation regulate exchange activity in intact cells? This has
always been an issue with this mode of regulation since cytosolic Na+ levels are generally quite low in
cardiac cells (< 12 mM) and ATP levels are high, conditions that would appear to minimize Na+-dependent inactivation. Perhaps Na+-dependent inactivation merely serves a protective role, turning off
exchange activity when ATP levels fall and cytosolic Na+ levels rise, as in ischemia. More speculative
considerations, based on an increased Na+ concentration in a submembrane "fuzzy space" [26], could
provide scenarios whereby Na+-dependent inactivation plays a more prominent role in exchanger
regulation. As mentioned above, total cellular PIP2 levels are highly protected in intact cells, and large
changes in total PIP2 seem unlikely. However, local changes in the vicinity of the exchanger could
conceivably occur and modulate function, as recently demonstrated for K-ATP channels [27,28],
None of these speculative considerations is particularly satisfying. Compartmentalization and
local changes of [Ca2+] and PIP2 are, quite literally, a "fact of life" in the intracellular environment, but
without experimental access to such local effects, it is far easier to formulate hypotheses than to test
them. Is Na+/Ca2+ exchange regulated? Probably. Do we understand the physiological mechanisms
involved? Probably not.
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