Immunology & Immunological Disorders Poster Session



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Bactericidal Activity of Human Milk Complement System

Ogundele, M.O. (Dept. of Immunology, Gerog-August University Goettingen, Germany)

Contact Person: Michael O. Ogundele (mogundel@yahoo.com)


The studies were carried out to assess the contribution of the C system to the bactericidal activity of the human colostrum and early lactational milk. Using a serum-sensitive strain of Escherichia coli, different fraction of human breast-milk (HBM) were assessed for their ability to kill the bacteria, with and without inactivation of their C system content. The ability of this bacteria to activate the HBM C system was further obtained by incubating different milk samples with the killed bacteria and assessing the deposition of activated C3 fragmernts, using an established ELISA technnique. The bactericidal activities of HBM were almost completely abolished by C heat-inactivation at 56°C or addition of EDTA. These bactericidal activities were also correlated with the deposition of complement-derived opsonins on the killed bacteria. The studies have presented, probably for the first time, the experimental evidence for the physiological significance of C system in the HBM, as a basis for the observed protective effects of breastfeeding against a wide variety of infections in the nursing infant and mammary gland. This findings further support the observation that the free fatty acids in the HBM are of uncertain physiological significance, as regards their bactericidal activities.

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Poster Number PAogundele0172
Keywords: Bactericidal, complement system, human breast-milk, infant-nutrition

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Ogundele, M.O.; (1998). Bactericidal Activity of Human Milk Complement System. Presented at INABIS '98 - 5th Internet World Congress on Biomedical Sciences at McMaster University, Canada, Dec 7-16th. Available at URL http://www.mcmaster.ca/inabis98/immunology/ogundele0172/index.html
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