Axia NetMedia Corporation and the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA), a collaborative effort involving the World Health Organization and the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health, are developing a hybrid media learning program for health care professionals with an interest in asthma. The objectives of GINA include i) increase public awareness of asthma, ii) identify factors responsible for increased asthma prevalence, iii) study the association between asthma and the environment, and iv) improve accessibility to effective asthma therapy.
This program, based upon asthma management guidelines developed by the GINA Executive Committee, consists of CD-ROM, Internet and conventional media components integrated through sound curriculum and learning design. We describe integration of these technologies as "hybrid media".
Taken together, these three components offer the global asthma community an opportunity to continue learning in a manner consistent with its need for cutting edge information and academic rigor.
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Presentation Number SAjohn h. parker0352
Keywords: GINA, asthma, multimedia, education, Internet