Arachidonic Acid Metabolites,
Other Inflammatory Mediators and Intestinal Ion Transport
Comment on Isoprostanes P.K.Rangachari
This is a response to MacNaughton and Unmack. Re: Isoprostanes, very little is known about the changes in intestinal inflammation. We have a comment about it in our JPET paper (Elmhurst et al Nov 1997), which was added in response to a query by one of the referees. s/he was curious about that as well. Much of the work in the isoprostane field has been done by investigators interested in cardiovascular/respiratory/renal problems. We were hoping to interest GI physiologists/pharmacologists in this area. The presence of the isoprostanes as well as the CYP metabolites of AA suggest that the effects of selective COX inhibition may be muted.
Sun Dec 13