Cell Biology Poster
Re: 152 Roberto Yunes
On Mon Dec 7, Kenneth B. Storey wrote
>Are the permeability parameters of human sperm significantly different from those of other mammals? of other vertebrates? Much work is done with cryopreservation of sperm from "commercially important" species ( not that human are not commercially important) for in vitro fertilization - are your findings generally applicable - or only for humans?
Dr. Storey, thanks for your question. To the first question I must answer that nothing allow us to sustain that permeability of human sperm are significantly different from other mammals. In fact, a previous work by our group (Acrosome content release in streptolysin O permeabilized mouse spermatozoa. by A. Diaz et al., Andrologia 28: 21-26, 1996) dealt with permeabilization but in mouse spermatozoa. I think, also, that our findings are generally applicable. It is important to remark that the value of our model is precisely to be a model, i.e. a tool in order to work in signal transduction of the acrosome reaction by allowing us the use of macromolecules that ordinarily we are void of using. On the other hand, it would be very interesting to have the opportunity of applying this knowledge to improve, if not the techniques we have in relation to human reproduction, at least the basic understanding we have about these technologies (what frequently it is not the situation today). Again, thanks for your interesting questions. R. Yunes
Wed Dec 9