Adhesion receptors are involved in many leucocyte functions including haematopoiesis, migration, activation, mediator generation and apoptosis. Leucocyte adhesion receptors comprise several gene families of membrane glycoproteins which are also involved in biological processes as diverse as wound healing, thrombogenesis, atherogenesis, embryogenesis and maintenance of tissue architecture. The literature on adhesion molecules is extensive and there are a number of comprehensive reviews which cover the biology of these molecules. In this summary I will very briefly outline the adhesion receptor families involved in leucocyte function before concentrating on studies specifically relevant to allergic disease.
Although adhesion receptors are involved in many areas of leucocyte biology most work has concentrated on the role of these receptors in directing leucocyte migration through vascular endothelium. This will also be the focus of this review although leucocyte interactions with tissue resident cells will also be mentioned. Current ideas about leucocyte emigration are based on the concept of a staged process with leucocytes first becoming loosely tethered to the venular endothelium under flow conditions, followed by cellular activation which in turns leads to firmer adhesion and transmigration. Each step is required allowing both a diversity of signals to control migration and multiple targets for therapeutic intervention [1].
The major gene families of adhesion receptors involved in leucocyte adhesion are the Selectins and their counter-receptors, members of the Integrin family and members of the Immunoglobulin family. The members of these families relevant to leucocyte adhesion are Table 1.
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