Invited Symposium: Integrated Telematic Services and Communication Through Scientific IRC: Virtual User Communities of Biomedicine in UNInet



Pharmacy and Internet: Current Advances

Role of IRC in Health Sciences


Conclusion and Bibliography


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Pharmacy and Internet: Current Advances.

Buil, JC (Medical Department. Boots Healthcare at Madrid, Spain.)
Garcia Fores, J (University of Valencia. School of Pharmacy, Spain)
Garcia Solans, JR (Zaragoza, Spain)
Sanz Hernandez, S (Navas de Oro at Segovia, Spain)
Campos Martinez, J (Pathology of Centro Medico Nacional del IMSS at Merida, Mexico)

Contact Person: Cristina J Buil (cristinajimenez@bootshealthcare.es)


In Spain a few years ago, a community of people with common interests (health. science, research) through Internet Relay Chat Channels (IRC) we began to meet and discuss on the net about this issues. In this way it appeared biomedicine channel, pharmacy channel etc. Soon we needed a net different from other conventional IRC networks (Undernet, EFnet etc.). It was UniNet. Uninet integrates a lot of channels with scientific contents, is based on an altruistic idea, supported by different institutions (university, research centers, pharmaceutical industry) and lot of voluntary people with desires of meeting, collaboration and discuss about different isssues among themselves. During this time, from November 1996 on now, many activities have been held as conferences, meetings and courses every week. As an example is a course that was held in this year from May to July entitled:'Curso de Metodolog�a en Investigaci�n con medicamentos' sponsorized by Boots Healthcare Spain, with collaboration of Hospital General Yague de Burgos, Minnesota University, Ministry of Health, E.M.E.A. http://bio.hgy.es/uninet/ec We are doing conferences about different topics: Pharmacovigilance, Infectious diseases, Over the Counter products in Spain, Harmonization, Good Clinical Practice, Pharmacoeconomy, etc. We hope following open permanently to all community interested in scientific, cultural and humanistic activities without linguistic, racial,ethnic, ideological, cultural or any other kind of discrimination.

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Presentation Number SAbuil0454
Keywords: Biomedical, Pharmacy, Internet, Uninet

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Buil, JC; Garcia Fores, J; Garcia Solans, JR; Sanz Hernandez, S; Campos Martinez, J; (1998). Pharmacy and Internet: Current Advances.. Presented at INABIS '98 - 5th Internet World Congress on Biomedical Sciences at McMaster University, Canada, Dec 7-16th. Invited Symposium. Available at URL http://www.mcmaster.ca/inabis98/coma/buil0454/index.html
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