Melatonin Receptors In Reproductive Tissues: Evidence For The Multiple Sites Of Melatonin Action
The avian or mammalian pineal gland is the major source of melatonin in the circulation (Pelham et al., 1972; Pang and Ralph, 1975; Neuwelt and Lewy, 1983; see Pang et al., 1993b for review). In response to the diurnal light/dark cycle in the environment, the pineal gland synthesizes and secretes melatonin in a diurnal pattern with high levels in the dark period. As melatonin is a lipid soluble molecule, it has no barrier and reaches every part of the body. Thus, the daily cycle of melatonin in the blood readily conveys the environmental photoperiodic information to every tissue and organ and plays an important role in the synchronization of the daily and circannual rhythms in the body (see Reiter, 1993; Tang et al., 1996; Arendt, 1998 for review).
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