& Methods
& Conclusion
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Orthogate - The
Rationale For An Internet Gateway Site In Orthopaedics
Contact Person: Myles Clough (cloughs@wkpowerlink.com )
- Mednet97 The World Congress of the Internet in
Medicine http://www.mednet.org.uk/mednet/mednet.htm
- Orthopaedic Information on the Internet Mednet96 http://www.mednet.org.uk/mednet/am14.htm
Orthopaedic Web Links; amalgamating Internet resources; trials, techniques and
rewards Mednet97 http://www-pet.umds.ac.uk/sim/mednet97/framesets/AM22_16697.htm
- Primer Congreso Virtual de Cardiología http://www.fac.com.ar/cvirtual/index.htm
- Orthopod Mailing List http://www.mailbase.ac.uk/lists/orthopod
- Evolution of Orthopaedics on the Internet
J.F.M.Clough 1996 3rd Internet World Congress on Biomedical Sciences http://www.3iwc.riken.go.jp/CONGRESS/POSTER/BU0221/TIT.HTM
- Orthogate Archives http://www.orthogate.com/archive.htm
- Orthogate Manifesto http://www.orthogate.com/manifest.htm
- Internet Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Trauma
(ISOST) http://www.isost.org/
- Belgian Orthoweb, http://www.belgianorthoweb.be/
- Bone Home http://www.bonehome.com
- Hand World http://www.eatonhand.com/
- Electronic Journal of Orthopaedics http://www.ejo.org
- IndiaOrth http://www.indiaorth.org/
- Medical Multimedia Group http://mmg.sechrest.com/mmg/
- OrthoGuide http://orthopaedicsurgery.com/ortho/index.html
- Orthopaedic Links Page http://www.virtualkmaloops.com/cloughs/orthlink.html
- OrthoSearch http://www.orthosearch.com/
- Wheeless' Textbook of Orthopaedics http://www.medmedia.com
- World Ortho http://www.worldortho.com
- Orthopaedic Acronym Finder http://www.orthogate.com/oaf
- Arthroplasty Mailing List http://www.mailbase.ac.uk/lists/arthroplasty
- Hand Surgery Mailing List http://www.mailbase.ac.uk/lists/hand
- Limb Reconstruction Mailing List http://www.mailbase.ac.uk/lists/limbrecon
- Spine Surgery Mailing List http://www.mailbase.ac.uk/lists/spine
- Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Mailing List http://www.mailbase.ac.uk/lists/sportmedorth
- Review of Wheeless' Textbook of Orthopaedics http://www.orthogate.org/editorial/wheeless.htm
- Hardin MetaDirectory Orthopaedics
- Karolinska Institutet Musculo Skeletal Diseases http://www.mc.ki.se/Diseases/c5.html
- MedMark Orthopaedics http://medmark.org/os/os2.html
- MedWeb Orthopedics http://www.gen.emory.edu/medweb/medweb.orthopedics.html
- Yahoo/Health/Medicine/Orthopedics http://www.yahoo.com/Health/Medicine/Orthopedic/
- Cliniweb Musculoskeletal Diseases http://www.ohsu.edu/cliniweb/C5/C5.html
- Slack Inc. Orthonet http://www.slackinc.com/bone/orthonet.htm
- Medical Matrix Orthopedics http://www.medmatrix.org/SPages/Orthopedics.asp
- HealthWeb http://healthweb.org
- PEDINFO http://www.uab.edu/pedinfo/
- GASNET Global Anaesthesia Server Network http://gasnet.med.yale.edu/
- Society for Advanced Telecommunications in Anaesthesia
(SATA) http://gasnet.med.yale.edu/sata/
- Electronic Phrase Book http://gasnet.med.yale.edu/reference/phrasebook/
- Educational Synopsis in Anesthesiology and Critical Care
Medicine (ESIA) http://gasnet.med.yale.edu/esia/
- Bobby R. Alford Department of Otolaryngology and
Communicative Sciences Baylor http://www.bcm.tmc.edu/oto/
- American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons http://www.aaos.org
- British Orthopaedic Association http://www.boa.ac.uk
- Canadian Orthopaedic Association http://www.coa-aco.org/
- Australian Orthopaedic Association http://www.aoa.org.au
- Danish Orthopaedic-Surgery Society (Dansk Ortopædisk
Selskab, DOS) http://www.ortopaedi.dk/
- Egyptian Orthopaedic Association http://WWW.EOA.ORG.EG
- Indian Orthopedic Association http://www.indiaorth.org/assoc/ioa.htm
Belgian Orthopaedic Trauma
Association http://www.belgianorthoweb.be/bota/index.htm
Nederlandse Orthopaedisch
Vereniging http://www.ziekenhuis.nl/beroepsorganisaties/nov/nov1.htm
Swedish Orthopaedic Association http://www.svls.se/sektioner/ort
Society of North America http://www.rsna.org
American Heart
Foundation http://www.amhrt.org
American College
of Cardiology http://www.acc.org
American College of Rheumatology http://www.rheumatology.org
American Academy
of Family Physicians http://www.aafp.org/
Review, Table of Contents (University of Michigan) http://henry.ugl.lib.umich.edu/megasite/toc.html
Megasites: Methodology: List of all sites reviewed http://henry.ugl.lib.umich.edu/megasite/allsites.html
Megasites: Criteria: Checklist http://henry.ugl.lib.umich.edu/megasite/critlist.html
OMNI Advisory Group for Evaluation Criteria http://omni.ac.uk/agec/agec.html
Assessing, Controlling, and Assuring the Quality of Medical Information on the
Internet. Stilberg VM, Lundberg GD, Musacchio RA. JAMA
1997; Vol 277(15): 1244-1245 full text http://www.ama-assn.org/sci-pubs/journals/archive/jama/vol_277/no_15/ed7016x.htm
Health on the
Net Foundation http://www.hon.ch
Organized Medical Network Information (OMNI) http://www.omni.ac.uk
OMNI Guidelines for Resource Evaluation http://omni.ac.uk/agec/evalguid.html
Orthopedic Surgery Residency
Ring http://www.orthogate.org/orthores/
PLink, plastic surgery and the Internet. Abstract
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Rating health information on the Internet: navigating to
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Do electronic mail discussion lists act as virtual
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Development of an academic Internet resource. Abstract
Ruskin KJ, Doyle DJ, Engel TP Yale J Biol Med 1996 Sep-Oct;69(5):439-44
The pediatric Internet. Abstract
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OncoLink: a cancer information resource for gynecologic
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OncoLink A University of Pennsylvania Cancer Center Resource
Orthopedic Surgery Residency Ring http://www.orthogate.org/orthores/
Criteria from Jadad & Gagliardi (ref 68)
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