Behavioural Neuroscience Poster Session



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Effects of Androgen Manipulation on the Perinatal Development and Adult Behavior of the Female Rat

Lange, G. M. (Department of Biology, Saginaw Valley State University, University Center, USA)

Contact Person: Gary M. Lange, Ph.D. (gmlange@svsu.edu)


The organizational effects of gonadal hormones produce morphological differences between male and female rats both prenatally and at parturition. In adulthood, these orgainzational effects result in behavioral differences between the sexes. In the following poster, early prenatal exposures to androgens or androgenic compounds lead to virilization at parturition. At maturity, a pacing paradigm that allows the female to regulate her reproductive behaviors when interacting with a male was used to discern if the female's early androgen exposure altered her temporal regulation of copulation. Intromission rates were increased in treatment females and refractor periods were diminshed or abolished in treatment females.

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Poster Number PAlange0807
Keywords: androgen, reproduction, pacing, gonad, sex

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Lange, G. M.; (1998). Effects of Androgen Manipulation on the Perinatal Development and Adult Behavior of the Female Rat. Presented at INABIS '98 - 5th Internet World Congress on Biomedical Sciences at McMaster University, Canada, Dec 7-16th. Available at URL http://www.mcmaster.ca/inabis98/behavneuro/lange0807/index.html
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