. From the stairwell cloest to the main entrance turn left. The room you are looking for is on the left side of this hallway. Rooms 3101 to 3117 can be accessed on this side of the hallway. The hallway is about 55 feet long.
. From the stairwell cloest to the main entrance turn left. The room you are looking for is straight ahead at the end of this hallway. Room 3118 can be accessed at the end of this hallway. The hallway is about 55 feet long.
. From the stairwell cloest to the main entrance turn left. The room you are looking for is on the right side of this hallway. Rooms 3120 to 3124 can be accessed on this side of the hallway. The hallway is about 55 feet long.
. From the stairwell cloest to the main entrance advance down the hallway about 40 feet. Turn left. The room you are looking for is on the right side of this hallway. Rooms 3015 and 3200 through 3206 can be accessed on this side of the hallway. The hallway is about 55 feet long.
. From the stairwell cloest to the main entrance travel straight. The room you are looking for is down this hallway on the left. Rooms 3012 through 3020 and 3414 can be accessed on this side of the hallway. The hallway is about 135 feet long.
. From the stairwell cloest to the main entrance travel straight about 120 feet. Turn left. The room you are looking for is on the left side of this hallway. Rooms 3302 and 3303 can be accessed on this side of the hallway. The hallway is about 50 feet long.
. From the stairwell cloest to the main entrance travel straight about 120 feet. Turn left. The room you are looking for is on the right side of this hallway. Rooms 3308 to 3316 can be accessed on this side of the hallway. The hallway is about 50 feet long.
. From the stairwell cloest to the main entrance travel straight about 120 feet. Turn left and advance about 50 feet. Turn left again. The room you are looking for is on the right side of this hallway. Rooms 3307 to 3305 can be accessed on this side of the hallway. The hallway is about 35 feet long.
. From the stairwell cloest to the main entrance travel straight about 135 feet. Turn right. The room you are looking for is on the right side of this hallway. Rooms 3412 and 3411 can be accessed on this side of the hallway. The hallway is about 35 feet long.
. From the stairwell cloest to the main entrance travel straight about 120feet. Turn right. The room you are looking for is on the left side of this hallway. Room 3410 can be accessed on this side of the hallway. The hallway is about 45 feet long.
. From the stairwell cloest to the main entrance travel straight. The room you are looking for is down this hallway on the right. Rooms 3026 to 3022 can be accessed on this side of the hallway. The hallway is about 135 feet long..
. From the stairwell cloest to the main entrance travel straight about 40 feet. Turn right. The room you are looking for is on the left side of this hallway. Rooms 3010 and 3500 to 3509 can be accessed on this side of the hallway. The hallway is about 50 feet long.
. From the stairwell cloest to the main entrance travel straight about 120 feet. Turn right. The room you are looking for is on the right side of this hallway. Rooms 3510 to 3523 can be accessed on this side of the hallway. The hallway is about 45 feet long.
. From the stairwell cloest to the main entrance travel straight about 40 feet. Turn right. The room you are looking for is on the right side of this hallway. Rooms 3008, 3006 and 3003 can be accessed on this side of the hallway. The hallway is about 50 feet long.
. From the stairwell cloest to the main entrance travel straight about 40 feet. Turn right and go ahead about 50 feet. Turn right again. The room you are looking for is at the end of this hallway. The meeting room 3001 can be accessed on this side of the hallway. The hallway is about 25 feet long.
. From the stairwell cloest to the main entrance travel straight about 120 feet. Turn left and advance about 50 feet. Turn left again. The room you are looking for is on the left side of this hallway. Room 3304 can be accessed on this side of the hallway. The hallway is about 35 feet long.
. From the stairwell cloest to the main entrance travel straight about 135 feet. Turn right. The room you are looking for is at the end of this hallway. Room 3413 can be accessed on at the end of the hallway. The hallway is about 35 feet long.
. From the stairwell cloest to the main entrance travel straight about 135 feet. Turn right and move ahead about 30 feet. Turn left. The room you are looking for is on the left side of this hallway. Rooms 3401 to 3402 can be accessed on this side of the hallway. The hallway is about 15 feet long.