Support McMaster University
Read Mission -
Involve Alumni
Read Mission -
Recognize Alumni Achievements
Read Mission -
Provide Services and Benefits for Alumni
Read Mission -
Communicate with Alumni
Read Mission -
Involve Current Students
Read Mission
2018 - 2019
McMaster Alumni Association
Executive Committee of the MAA Board
Members at Large

Ben Diplock BSC '14
Board of Governors Representatives

Lisa Brown BENGM '03 & MBA '10

Jennifer Rowe ’88
Office of Alumni Advancement
Team Members
Alumni Stats & Facts
McMaster alumni
of Alumni live in Hamilton
advised they’re retired
Degrees granted to The Class of 2018
42 Years
Average age of alumni
alumni engagement
alumni engagement renewal rate
Alumni donors
in gifts from alumni
2018/19 was a strong year for the alumni program. The alumni engagement index increased to 32.7% from 31.2% - even as our population grew over 6000 alumni. And, alumni come back once engaged as indicated by a strong renewal rate of 73.9% (alumni engaged in 2017 returning in 2018).
Some of the programming that helped us achieve the strong engagement rates include:
- Focus on increasing digital/online content and experiences to connect alumni to McMaster
- Online resume review sessions for students and alumni and a Career focused webinar series for the job-seeking or career minded graduate
- Introduced a new webinar series: A Curious Mind – lecture series and brought a traditional lecture series online too - Lager lecture series
- MAC in Five: email lessons on theme delivered weekly
- Life After MAC: Real stories of alumni finding their way- young alumni sharing their unique career paths to inspire others
- Moved content to an Alumni Medium website – delivering where alumni are visiting digitally
- Digital engagement opportunities with Good Reads bookclub, and Question of the Week
- Introduced digital volunteerism with Alumni Voices – sharing opinions through a series of surveys to help guide the university and the alumni association
- Launch of digital version of MAC magazine, expanded content and metrics for readership
- Showcased our researchers in new ways
- Answering alumni questions – shared videos of researchers answering questions posed by alumni through Question of the Week
- Continuing to foster lifetime connections to McMaster and ongoing support for the University through volunteerism, advocacy and giving
Support Support McMaster University
Read Strategy -
Engage Engage McMaster's evolving and shifting alumni constituencies
Read Strategy -
Foster Foster high quality, distinctive, educational and service opportunities
Read Strategy -
Make connections Make connections between alumni and students
Read Strategy -
Celebrate Celebrate McMaster and alumni milestone, accomplishments and traditions
Read Strategy -
Communicate Communicate a clear, consistent, and distinctive McMaster message
Read Strategy -
Develop Develop the resources, data and funding
Read Strategy
1,952 online event registrations
226,752 website visits
188 countries website visitors are from
400,624 total views
3:08 average view duration
955 New Mentors in Alumni Network
5% increase in likes
41.5% increase in Instagram comments
2.1% increase in followers
11.1K total followers
36.3% increase in Facebook engagement
9,349 total Facebook fans
3,339 Instagram followers
18,452 Instagram Engagements
161,517 McMaster Alumni on LinkedIn
271 Alumni Advisor consultations
2216 registrations for online networking events
125.4% increase in LinkedIn engagement
1030 1:1 online chats
10,000+views on Answering Alumni Questions series
Event Highlights
We visited alumni in these cities in 2018/2019:

Each year we recognize the tremendous talents and contributions of McMaster alumni through the Alumni Gallery and Association Awards. The annual ceremony presenting these awards always leaves participants feeling inspired and proud of their common connection to McMaster.
2017/2018 Alumni Award winners
Community Impact Awards
The award recognizes outstanding contribution by McMaster graduates to the Hamilton community. The award will recognize individuals who have made a positive impact on the Hamilton community within the past three years, enhancing the quality of life while reflecting the values of McMaster - integrity, quality and teamwork.

Mark John Stewart ‘06, '10
Hamilton Community Impact

Alex Mazer ‘01
Community Impact

Eustace Orleans-Lindsay ‘11
Global Community Impact
Distinguished Service Award
The highest volunteer award of the McMaster Alumni Association is given in recognition of outstanding contribution and dedication to the Alumni Association and its mission as stated in the Alumni Association constitution. Long-term loyalty and dedication are key ingredients of these very special volunteers.
More Distinguished Service Award Information

Suzanne Labarge '67
Faculty of Social Sciences
Honorary Member
The Alumni Association also recognizes the outstanding service of those who are not alumni. Honorary membership in the Alumni Association may be granted to any person who is not otherwise a member of the Alumni Association for unusual contribution to the Association or the University. It is also granted to anyone who has received an honorary degree from the University.
More Distinguished Service Award Information

John Kelton
Association Awards
Canadian Council for Advancement of Education (CCAE) award for work in 2017, received in June, 2018:

Best Alumni Initiative:
Question of the Week (GOLD)
Alumni Gallery
Recognizing the diverse and remarkable accomplishments of McMaster Alumni. The stories of the more than 400 members of the Gallery inspire and make us proud. This year's inductees are no exception.
More Alumni Gallery Information

Sarah Casanova ‘91
Faculty of Business

Hoda ElMaraghy ‘72, '76
Faculty of Engineering

Robert Kendrick ’80
Faculty of Social Sciences

Mary Lou Maher ’83
Faculty of Business

Steve Merker ‘91, '92
School of Phys. Ed., Faculty of Social Sciences

Gary Stein ‘77
Faculty of Health Sciences
ARCH Award
Celebrating the early success and achievements of our more recent graduates.

Vasiliki Bednar ’08
Arts & Science

Darren de SA '09, '12
Faculty of Science, Faculty of Health Sciences

Janelle Hinds ‘15
Faculty of Engineering
Albert Lager Student Initiative Prize
Recognizing the leadership, service and initiative demonstrated by students to the benefit of their faculty, program and the McMaster University community.

Hanu Chaudhari
Faculty of Health Sciences

Haleigh Longo
Faculty of Engineering

Yina Shan
Faculty of Health Sciences

Micah Zagala
Faculty of Health Sciences, Nursing
Available Services and Benefits
Home & Auto Insurance – TD Insurance Meloche Monnex

Number of Participants

Number of Policies

Written Premiums

Retention Rate
McMaster MasterCard

Active Cardholders

Number of New Accounts

Net Retail spending
Life, Health & Disability Insurance

Number of Participants

New Applications

Sales from website

Written premium
Travel Program

Number of Travellers

Trips Offered

Support for McMaster University and our Students
McMaster Students are creative, service-oriented, fun-loving and productive members of the McMaster community and continue to strive for excellence in their learning and student experience. The McMaster Alumni Association is proud to support the following groups deliver unique learning, service and community building experiences.