Support McMaster University
Read Mission -
Involve Alumni
Read Mission -
Recognize Alumni Achievements
Read Mission -
Provide Services and Benefits for Alumni
Read Mission -
Communicate with Alumni
Read Mission -
Involve Current Students
Read Mission
McMaster Alumni Association
Executive Committee of the MAA Board

Mario Frankovich '77
Financial Advisor
Members at Large

Troy Hill BA '07

Tammy Hwang BCOM '05
Board of Governors Representatives

Jennifer Rowe ’88
Office of Alumni Advancement
Team Members
Alumni Stats & Facts
McMaster alumni
of Alumni live either in Hamilton or Toronto
lost alumni we’d love to find!
Degrees granted to The Class of 2016
42 Years
Average age of alumni
alumni engagement
countries alumni call home
Alumni donors
in gifts from alumni
With the newly adopted five-year strategic plan in hand, 2016-17’s MAA Board focused on some key goals within the plan. Learning more about the career services, mentoring and networking opportunities available for both students and recent graduates, the Board identified gaps in service and developed new approaches to address this need and best support students and alumni in achieving their career aspirations.
Customizing communications to best deliver content of interest and relevance to the diverse alumni population is a focus. With the introduction of Bambu, alumni can select content that’s of most interest to them and allows us to be responsive to their preferences. Increasing the opportunities to engage with us digitally – through videotaped lectures, Question of the Week, online mentoring and networking platforms, in addition to traditional event based programming responds to the needs of an increasingly online, and younger, alumni base. We’ve also worked to increase the opportunities for students to connect with alumni and are encouraged to see that the benefits of these connections go both ways! Increasing the opportunities to recognize alumni achievements and profile our alumni is a continued focus of the current plan and will build on the expanded Impact award, the alumni profile program and increase nominations of external awards.
Support Support McMaster University
Read Strategy -
Engage Engage McMaster's evolving and shifting alumni constituencies
Read Strategy -
Foster Foster high quality, distinctive, educational and service opportunities
Read Strategy -
Make connections Make connections between alumni and students
Read Strategy -
Celebrate Celebrate McMaster and alumni milestone, accomplishments and traditions
Read Strategy -
Communicate Communicate a clear, consistent, and distinctive McMaster message
Read Strategy -
Develop Develop the resources, data and funding
Read Strategy
2,479 online event registrations
246,141 website visits
185 countries website visitors are from
387,693 total views
3:32 average view duration
706 Mentors in Alumni Network
39% increase in likes
200% increase in likes
12% increase in followers
10,411 total followers
8,284 total likes
17,461 engagements
2,052 Instagram followers
200 new followers during Exam Wishes
134,422 McMaster Alumni on LinkedIn
61 online networking events held
1845 registrations for online networking events
30+ Videos
625 1:1 online chats
campus Most liked content
Event Highlights
We visited alumni in these cities in 2016/2017:

Each year we recognize the tremendous talents and contributions of McMaster alumni through the Alumni Gallery and Association Awards. The annual ceremony presenting these awards always leaves participants feeling inspired and proud of their common connection to McMaster.
2016/2017 Alumni Award winners
Community Impact Awards
The Hamilton Community Impact Award Luncheon was held September, 2016, and the GTA Community Impact Awards in November, 2016.

Dr. Vivian Rambihar, '75
GTA Community Impact Award
Association Awards
Canadian Council for Advancement of Education (CCAE) awards we received in 2015:

Best Use of Social Media
McMaster Memories (GOLD)

Best Fundraising Initiative
McMaster Memories (GOLD)
CASE Accolades District II 2016

Social Media
Exam Wishes (SILVER)

McMaster Memories (GOLD)
Alumni Gallery
Recognizing the diverse and remarkable accomplishments of McMaster Alumni. The stories of the more than 400 members of the Gallery inspire and make us proud. This year's inductees are no exception.
ARCH Award
Celebrating the early success and achievements of our more recent graduates.
Albert Lager Student Initiative Prize
Recognizing the leadership, service and initiative demonstrated by students to the benefit of their faculty, program and the McMaster University community.
Available Services and Benefits
Home & Auto Insurance – TD Insurance Meloche Monnex

Number of Participants

Number of Policies

Written Premiums

Retention Rate
McMaster MasterCard

Active Cardholders

Number of New Accounts

Net Retail spending
Life, Health & Disability Insurance

Number of Participants

New Applications

Customer Satisfaction
Travel Program

Number of Travellers

Trips Offered
Support for McMaster University and our Students
McMaster Students are creative, service-oriented, fun-loving and productive members of the McMaster community and continue to strive for excellence in their learning and student experience. The McMaster Alumni Association is proud to support the following groups deliver unique learning, service and community building experiences.