Today we celebrate! You may have finished your time at Mac fifty years ago or just last year but we want you to feel just as much a part of the Mac Alumni family today as on the day of your graduation.

Instead of throwing a big party to celebrate our anniversary, you will find everything you need to have fun, stay informed, share your Mac pride, and have an impact on the school that is so proud to have you as a graduate. Happy anniversary to you!

125 years ago today in Toronto at just around 8 PM, 16 students crossed the stage at the original McMaster Hall and became McMaster’s first graduates from the Faculty Arts.

In the class of 16, three were women and one, a future McMaster president, Howard Primrose Whidden. Shortly after the ceremony, the 16 formed the Alumni Society which will soon (in about 18 days) boast over 200,000 graduates in over 140 countries around the world.

WHAT NOW? | Stay connected

It is hard to keep you connected on all things Mac if we don’t know where you are so we want you to send the Senator back to Mac. Take a moment to login and review your profile to update any missing or incorrect information. As a thank you for updating your profile, you will be entered into a draw for a grand prize draw of $500 or one of three $100 gift cards!


Download one of our Facebook/Twitter Banners and post them to share your Mac pride.

WE HAVE EVENTS! In fact, "How Did Life on Earth Begin?", an online lecture with Ben Pearce, is TODAY at 12 noon.

You should bring yourself to an event or two, whether in person or virtually. See you soon!

The News Magazine for Alumni & Friends - Spring 2019 Edition Now Available!

Our spring issue of the alumni magazine arrived in mailboxes last month. Our digital edition is also available at, and includes exclusive content not seen in the print edition. See for yourself.


Think you're the maroonist of Maroons? Prove it! Answer our 125 trivia contest and WIN! Also, find your McMaster Persona. It just takes a few quick answers to find out.


McMaster graduates have a long history of supporting our alma mater. TODAY, the Alumni Association is providing $25,000 in matching funds to the McMaster Alumni Association Bursary. Your gift becomes so much more when we collectively support a current student.

We have more ways than ever before to stay engaged with McMaster.

Share your voice when you join our Alumni Voices program. Give advice, coaching, or help a student or recent graduate prepare for that big interview when you become part of our Alumni Mentors Network. Sign up to be one of our alumni resume reviewers that you can do from your office, home or commuter train. Become part of our Question of the Week community. Sign. Me. Up.


We've answered a lot of your questions! Our It's Friday series has been answering a selection of questions posed by alumni through our Question of the Week Club. Click below to find all the answers we've collected over the past two years.

Deals, discounts and more.

We have partnered with trusted service providers to bring exclusive offers to McMaster alumni on products, services and travel you are likely to need. Know that when you sign up for them, you are helping to support student and alumni programs – at no extra cost to you.


From globally renowned scientific breakthroughs to grassroots initiatives within the local community, McMaster alumni impact the world with their innovation, creativity and commitment to making a difference. Nominate a McMaster graduate today for an Alumni Association award. For more information, click here.

Share your favourite McMaster photo on social!

Use the hashtag #mymcmaster and tag us for a chance to be featured on our social channels. Add some McMaster flair to your instagram story with our celebratory stickers! Just search McMaster in the Sticker search bar!

905-525-9140 | 1280 Main Street West | Hamilton, Ontario L8S4L8