A groundbreaking inventor and scientist, Dr. Steve Mann began formulating his ideas in his early days of high school. He developed his concepts further while at McMaster and brought them, along with his inventions to MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in Boston in 1991. In 1997, he received his Ph.D from MIT for scholarly work including the invention of Humanistic Intelligence.
He is considered by many to the inventor of WearComp (wearable computer and WearCam (eyetap camera and reality mediator), and was the first to keep a web log of his visual experiences (thus inventing the CyborgLog, also known as “glog”). He is also inventor of the Chirplet Transform, a new mathematical framework for signal processing, and of Comparametric Equations, a new mathematical framework for computer mediated reality.
His award winning documentary ShootingBack and the ideas from his recent book CYBORG: Digital Destiny and Human Possibility in the Age of the Wearable Computer (Randomhouse Doubleday, 2001) inspired a 35mm feature length motion picture film about his remarkable inventions.