·McMaster has increased enrolment.
Full-time Enrollment
Source: Registrar's Report
·McMaster attracts first-class students.
OAC Registrants with an Average of 80% or Higher in Fall, 1995
Source: Ontario University Application Centre
·McMaster has increased funding of scholarships and bursaries.
Scholarships and Bursaries
Source: Financial Statements
·University graduates experience lower unemployment.
Canadian Unemployment Rates by Educational Attainment
Source: Estinates by Educational Attainment. The Labor Force Monthly Report, Statistics Canada
·The quality of McMasters faculty has been recognised externally.
Share of Royal Society Fellows Relative to Share of Faculty
Source: The Royal Society of Canada, as of March, 1996, Statistics Canada, Full-time Faculty, 1994/95
Share of Killam Awards Relative to Share of Non-Medical Faculty
Source: Killam Program, Killam Awards 1968-1996, Statistics Canada, Full-time Faculty, 1994/95
Share of Steacie Fellows Relative to Share of Non-Medical Faculty
Source: NSERC, Steacie Fellows 1964-1996, Statistics Canada, Full-time Faculty, 1994/95
·Canadas investment in research and development trails other developed nations.
Total expenditures on R&D as a % of GCP by performing sector, 1993
Source: AUCC Trends 1996
·Canada is more dependent on research conducted in universities.
Source: AUCC from Statistics Canada and OECD
·Ontarios share of Federal research grants and contracts has declined.
Source: COU, The Financial Position of Universities in Ontario: 1995
·McMasters Research Funding is highest in Ontario relative to operating income.
Research as a % of Operating Income
Source: CAUBO, Financial Statistics of Universities and Colleges, 1993/94
·McMasters external research support has doubled in the past decade.
Source: McMaster University, Office of Research Services
·Donations received are a small part of University revenues.
Contribution of Fund Raising to McMaster Income
Source: University Financial Statements
·Source of donations.
Number of Donors by Donor Group
Source: University Financial Statements