Administration's Opening Position:

(this is taken and quoted from their Summary)

1. CP/M be awarded on July 1 1996 at a rate of 110 par units per 100 faculty and based on the average of the 1994-95 and 1995-96 merit determinations.
2. a 9.0% reduction of salaries.
3. The 9.0% cut be graduated to protect lower wage earners by protecting the first $30,000 of salary and applying a 15.1% ATB reduction of salary above $30,000.
4. A capping of benefit costs at the 1995-96 level.

To be fair and to try to not be overly alarmist, the Administration described this as a worst-case scenario with savings from early retirements to be available (to some extent) to reduce the salary cuts. We encouraged the Administration to explain this to the community.

Les Robb MUFA