A.-The speciality needs Technology

   B.-Technology needs Pathology



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Impact of TECHNOLOGY in PATHOLOGY and contributions of this speciality to technological development.

Ana Maria Puras-Gil y Alfredo Lopez-Cousillas

Pathology Department. University Hospital Virgen del Camino. Navarrese Health Service - Osasunbidea.- Pamplona (Navarre). SPAIN.

Lecture partially presented at the 2nd. Medical engineering course organized by the Department of Electric and Electronic Engineer of the Superior Technical School of Industrial and Telecommunication Engineers of the Public University in Navarre and the Navarrese Health Service, at Pamplona (May, 1998).


Dra. Ana Marķa Puras Gil.
Department of Pathology.
University Hospital Virgen del Camino.
C/Irunlarrea 4.
31008 Pamplona.
Tfno: 948-429419. Fax: 948-429978.



It is obvious that technology has contributed all along history to the development of the different sciences.

In this article, we define the concept of Pathology as a medical speciality, and we explain it’s influence in a Hospital, considering very different fields such as education, investigation, quality control, information, and patient care. Despite being a quite recent medical speciality, although Pathology has historically been the basis of the scientific medical advance, has undergone a considerable evolution, and technology innovation has undoubtedly contributed. As a basic discipline, it is of great importance in pre and post-graduate training, in the medical education at the Hospital or outside it, and in the fields previously mentioned.

Relation with other disciplines such us Chemistry, (fixation and dying), Physics (mechanic devices), Mathematics (algorithms, morphometry, statistics...) and telecomunications (Telepathology, image analysis...) are examined, evaluating their contribution to Pathology.

We are also aware of Pathology contributions to technology innovation: in the evaluation of different diagnostic methods (it is well known that an adequate integration of the clinical symptoms, radiological and endoscopic findings, and the pathological diagnosis is the scientific basis of the medical science), or in the recent therapeutic technologies based in Radiotherapy, Hyperthermia, laser, prosthesis, etc.; where histological examination provides an accurate information about the therapeutic or side-effects, or the rejection reactions.

Key Words: Pathology, Technology, Bioengineering, Telepathology.


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