Surgery and Orthopedics Poster
Re: Urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin is a measure of melatonin synthesis Peter M. Liebmann
On Sun Dec 6, Grover wrote
>Dr. Sakotnik:Hope you are enjoying the meeting. Great poster.I found it fascinating that melatonin production in patients with CAD was decreased. Correct me if I am wrong, I understood that at least in rats, the melatonin receptor binding also changes with the circadian rhythms. Are there any data on the number of melatonin receptors in CAD. If the decrease in plasma melatonin level were to reflect greater melatonin bound to the receptors, then the coclusions would be different from those if it occurred solely as a change in melatonin metabolism.
>Dr. Grover: Thank you for your comment: It should be emphasized that we measured 6-sulfatoxymelatonin, the main metabolite of Melatonin, in urine, which is a primarily a measure of melatonin synthesis and is not influenced by receptor numbers. But you are right that in rats it was shown by Nava Zisapel and coworkers that Melatonin receptor number shows a circadian rhythmicity. In CAD, receptor numbers have never been investigated.
Wed Dec 16