Plenary Session Presentations

Electronic Journal Club


Since Feb 1, 1997, we have an electronic journal club in Molecular Pharmacology at

At this site, each month a presenter introduces a paper which they think is important.
Molecular Pharmacology is defined in the broadest range - from behavioral effects of dopamine through fullerenes to chirality in the stars.  The only criterion is that the presenter thinks it to be an important paper for Molecular Phamacology.

I am looking for people to present in 1999.  I have 10 and need two more.
In the spirit of INABIS98, I want it to go international.
Check it out.
See if you would like to present a hot paper.

We also announce meetings of interest to its members - meetings such as INABIS98.
If you need to ask a question to its subscribers, I can usually e-mail it.
I am always happy to have a link-swap with other Physiology/Pharmacology departments.

A. K. Grover

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