Pharmacology & Toxicology
Poster Session
Re: Poster 656 Luana De Vito
On Sun Dec 6, Grover wrote
>Dr. Cioni: This poster is a lot of work. Did you use anti-eNOS antibodies or your conclusion about e-NOS is a suggestion? Did you look for nNOS and it was absent or did you not look for it yet?
>Dear Dr. Grover: I suppose that your questions are referred to the particulate fractions of the NOS isoformes. Both nNOS and eNOS iso-enzymes were characterized in the particulate fractions by means of Western blotting analysis using either nNOS or eNOS antisera. So, our data show the presence of NOS enzymes in the pellet, likely attributable to nNOS and eNOS enzymes.
Mon Dec 7