Pharmacology & Toxicology Poster Session


Carla Cioni

On Tue Dec 15, Grover wrote
>We would invite all the participants in joining us in thanking the Chair of this session.

>Drs Amano, Cioni and Tan

>Just goes to show that you can put a Japanese, Italian and, of course, a Canadian together to do a great job, eh.

>There was a very good discussion in this session.   We are fully aware of the shyness many members have in posing questions and giving answers in this medium.   Several private e-mail questions and answers we received, emphasized this shyness.  We admire the dedication with which you fostered the discussion.

>H. Szechtman and A. K. Grover

To all participants,
I'd like to join Dr. Tan in thanking for the acknowledgement. I agree with that you said, there could have been more discussion. However, I think all of us faced various problems linked to such a new experience, and probably learned how to manage it. Many thanks to the organizers for their excellent work. The congress hosted a lot of interesting symposia and highly qualified participants.  My personal problem has been mainly the speed of the internet connection, that often made me difficult to participate. I wonder if someone else had this problem. I hope we keep in touch. See you soon!

My best,

Carla Cioni

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