Oxidative Stress Poster Session

Poster 0410 (K. Cowan) Anoxia Effects ... O. Virilis

S. Reading

You have an interesting poster and a fascinating organism to study. My question probably reflects my lack of understanding of invertabrate metabolism but here it is. I am unclear on a statment made in the discussion where you indicate that there is a, "switching of most organs to a primary dependence on lipid oxidation.". I am curious to know if this organism has the capacity to metabolize lipids in the absence of oxygen? Second, the use of glycerol to sustain gluconeogenesis would result in the accumulation of FFA's. Assuming that O. Virilis cannot metabolize them anaerobically, how does O. Virilis deal with FFA toxicity ? I look forward to your answer and I hope you enjoy the conference.

S. Reading  

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