On/Off Switches for Nitric Oxide Synthases



Thanx Dr. Venema

On Mon Dec 14, Richard C. Venema wrote
>On Fri Dec 11, grover wrote
>>Dr. Venema:
>> �I did not realize that 60% of the eNOS was in golgi. �Can you post or send me the reference if this work is already published?

>>On Fri Dec 11, Richard C. Venema wrote
>>>On Tue Dec 8, grover wrote
>>>>Dr. Venema: �These are very interesting results. �Do you think that there are ways to isolate these pools of endothelial cells which respond differently to various situations to study their properties?
>>>>On Tue Dec 8, Richard C. Venema wrote
>>>>>On Fri Dec 4, grover wrote
>>>>>>Dr. Venema: Great presentation. �Hope you have fun at the meeting. �With so many different regulators of eNOS - I wonder if there is a hierarachy for regulation at different sites.
>>>>>>Dr. Grover: �I believe there are different pools of eNOS in endothelial cells that are activated in different ways by different combinations of allosteric effectors. �This may explain why NO release in response to Ca2+ ionophore is much greater than that in response to bradykinin or other hormones. �NO release in response to shear stress is even greater still and can be up to 20 times greater than in response to a hormone agonist.
>>>>Dr. Grover: �I believe there are different pools of eNOS within the same cell. �We have found that eNOS is 10% cytosolic, 30% in caveolae, and 60% in Golgi. �These compartments can be separated by centrifugation on sucrose density gradients. �However, further subfractionation would be difficult.
>Dr. Grover, Here are some references that show Golgi localization of eNOS:
>Morin et al. (1993) J. Neurosci. Res. 36, 272
>Stanboli et al. (1994) Neurosci. Lett. 171, 209
>O'Brien et al. (1995) Histochemistry 103, 221
>Sessa et al. (1995) J. Biol. Chem. 270, 17641
>Garcia-Cardena et al (1996) PNAS 93, 6448
>Venema et al. (1997) BBRC 236, 155
>Liu et al. (1997) J. Cell Biol. 137, 1525

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