Molecular Physiology of Sodium-Calcium Exchange

Re: (0740) Functional differences in NCX1 sodium-calcium exchanger splice varints from kidney and brain

Larry Hryshko

On Mon Dec 14, Paul J. Bauer wrote
>Very interesting findings. What do you think is the origin of these regulatory differences you observe? Could it be some a regulatory modification (e.g. phosphorylation) which is possible only in one of the two splice variants?

Hi Paul,

Thanks. We don't really have an answer to your question. �Our speculation is that alternative splicing alters the conformational stability of the �Na-induced inactive state. �We do not think this involves phosphorylation since these data were obtained in excised patches in the absence of phosphorylating agents. �However, we have no data to exclude the possibility that differences in basal phosphorylation are involved. �Based on the the work of Schulze, Ruknudin, and Lederer (Poster 881), this possibility will be important to investigate.

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