Integrated Telematic Services and
Communication Through Scientific IRC: Virtual User Communities of Biomedicine in
No title! Nora Chapnick
Dear Doctor Grove:
my English is not very good, bud I will try to say something to him. In the last communication of the symposium of the Dra. Coma, we have worked on two questions, in our opinion, fundamentals. A first new one estandar to make more insurance the IRC in the transmission of the clinical information. Second it is a proposal of international legislation, on the form to make medical records. We thinking that are a form to protect so much to the medical professional as far as the due confidentiality, like a the patients. And this has to do with the concept of the property of it .Me would please to know its opinion on the matter. Thanks for its attention. Dra. Nora Chaponick
Thu Dec 10