Integrated Telematic Services and Communication Through Scientific IRC: Virtual User Communities of Biomedicine in UNInet

Re^2: Symposium 209


On Mon Dec 7, Maria Jesus Coma wrote
>On Fri Dec 4, grover wrote
>>Dr. Coma del Corral: Great presentation.  Hope you have fun at the meeting.  The problem I have is that I don't know whether UniNet is simply a toy for the few who like it or it is a real experiment in communication.  If it is the latter, I would have liked to see who, when and how are going to analyze any data resulting from it.
>Dear Dr. Grover
>I think you wanted to say: “Internet/IRC is a simple tool", and not “UniNet is a simple toy”.
>We have successful hold scientific conferences, presentations, congresses, discussions, and workshops in UniNet.  And we have learnt that the most important isn't the tool, but the high quality of  the scientific work that UniNet is helping to communicate.
>María Jesús Coma

Hellow, I don't think UNINET is a toy, those doctors share their ideas seriusly, even, few people don't mean useless of a system.

If Chat is bad way to analize informations, do you have any better way  for live interaction btw doctors? don't forget, most of countries hold less than 14.4k for their main Internet connections, so, no video conference nor audio could be flow but chat does. :)


MINg. (

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