Genital Sensation: CNS Targets
and Functions in Females
comments on Erskine and Lee paper Barry R. Komisaruk
Dear Mary and Jeung-Woon,
I enjoyed your paper and am happy to see that you, too, find analgesia to mating, although short-lived. �In our study �(Gomora, Beyer, Gonzalez-Mariscal and Komisaruk, 1994: Momentary analgesia produced by copulation in female rats. Brain Research, 656:52-58), we also found a strong analgesia (in the female, at the males' ejaculation, the magnitude of the females' analgesia was equivalent to more than 15mg/kg body weight of morphine sulfate, calibrated using the same, tail shock-induced vocalization threshold). �However, in determining the duration of this strong analgesia, we found that when measured 10-15 SECONDS later, the vocalization thresholds had returned to pre-mating baseline. �The threshold was measured instantaneously (i.e. probability of vocalizing to a measured intensity of 100 msec-duration tail shock). �Perhaps your latency to measure tail flick latency after matings was at or more than 15 seconds, and this could well have reduced the likelihood of finding analgesia. �We had initially tried using the tail flick latency measure, but found little, if any, effect. �The during-intromission and during-ejaculation threshold determination measure that we used showed much clearer effects, the during-intromission analgesia being equivalent to about 10mg/kg morphine sulfate. �In addition, with repeated vaginocervical stimulation we see an "exhaustion" of analgesia, which is consistent with the hyperalgesia that you observe after repeated matings. �
Do you think it is possible that the decrease in fos expression that you see in the spinal cord is due to inhibition of A-delta afferents which carry not only nociceptive, but also pressure afferent activity?
That could account for at least some of the attenuation of response that you see.
Wed Dec 16