Invited Symposium Presentation
Efficiency and Cost-Benefit Ratio Dr.
Armando Pacher Contac person: Dr. Armando Pacher ( Biomedical virtual conferences by Internet are efficient and have low cost-benefit ratio. CETIFAC, the Informatics Center of the Argentine Federation of Cardiology (FAC) at Entre Rios University, works together with UniNet (, the Santa Catarina Federal University (Brazil) and the Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research in several telematic activities. Mailing list (, Cardiological IRC channel (#cardiol, hosted in several academic servers { and others}, reached by low cost phone connections), transmission in real time from the 17th National Congress of Cardiology (17thNCC) (Rosario, Argentina, 1998) and the 1st Virtual Congress of Cardiology (FVCC, October 1999 - April 2000), are the most relevant activities. The daily proceedings for the 17thNCC were registered by volunteers physicians, and the edition, transmission to #cardiol and publication in Web pages were performed by the CETIFAC’s Multimedia Area in a low cost way. Similarly resources were used by the 4th Oncological Reunion at the Oncological Institute of San Sebastian, Spain (, and the 2nd Virtual Hispano-American Pathology Congress ( The 1st Iberian-American Virtual Congress of Neurology (, the 1st Iberian-American Virtual Congress of Nephrology (, and the FVCC ( will comprise many real time activities wich are facilitated by low costs Internet resources as IRC channels. Back to the top. | Discussion Board | Next Page | Your Symposium | |